photography, bmx, music, vegetarian food, traveling, movie nights, ocean cookouts, sleeping in, being dorky, hunting for free stuff on sunday nights, growing my tomatoes...
♥--oh shit- i used to have a list of people here but they were just people and they probably aren't waiting around to meet me, so fuck em , issac hanson, taylor hanson, and zac hanson. ♥
American Beauty, Goonies, Trainspotting, Clerks; any Kevin Smith film really, Aimee and Jaguar, Detroit Rock City, Edward Scissorhands, Fightclub, The Labrynth, The Sand Lot, everything is illuminated, the realms of the unreal, born into brothels
i do not have a television.(thats a lie, i do now) i like mxc though....
CHOKE, a confederate general from big sur, Lucky, The Intuitionist, Tuesdays with Morrie, Trainspotting, 1984, 88 Steps to September, The Acid House Stories, The Bluest Eye, In Cold Blood, Haunted Wisconsin!
i have the coolest, strongest family ever. my brother and sisters are totally my heroes and its the shit watching them grow up and turn into such awesome people.