"He had lost hold of his magnetic chain of humanity. He was no longer Brother-man, opening the chambers or the dungeons of our common nature by the key of Holy Sympathy, which gave him a right to share in all it's secrets; he was now a cold observer, looking on Mankind as the subject of his experiements, and, at lenght, converting Man and Woman to be his puppets, and pulling the wires that moved them to such degrees of crime and sin as were demanded by his study. Thus, he had become a Fiend. He began to be so from the moment that his moral nature had ceased to keep the pace of improvement with his intellect."
<"And alien tears will fill for him
Pity's long-broken urn,
For his mourners will be outcast men,
And outcasts always mourn."target="_blank">
I am rapidly approaching my 40th year. I am Father, either directly or by guilt by association to 8 (yes, I said 8) wonderful children. Music in it's many variations, is my biggest passion. I am an avide reader, repressed artist, and musician...though time doesn't allow my to persue any of the aforementioned items with any consistency.
I have embarked upon a new career in this, my 4th decade in endentured servatude to the Government that means to dominate the Earth. Some may call me a Conspiracy Theorist. I prefer the term 'Enlightened". I believe that we are all slaves to a hand full of Founding Father's who's bloodlines have controlled and directed this Country's agenda's since the day that our "Right's" were placed on parchment. I am often opinionated, but open-minded enough to listen to a different point of view.
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