insert clever name here profile picture

insert clever name here

About Me

Let's see, I'm a college student in the ever useful field of anthropology. I love playing music, primarily the drums though I delve into trumpet when I feel up to it. When not involved in such activities, I like to visit the jungles of Africa where I hunt elephants on hyena back. Hyenas are stubborn bastards but you can usually win them over with some processed ham. I also hold a position on the local city board where I regulate the influx of immigrants from other dimensions. My friends say this makes me a nerd. But it pays well and I get dental, so what can you do? I am also a compulsive internet profile liar. It's a challenge but I make the most of it. I consider this electronic socializing a harbringer of Big Brother. Other than that I am a relentless optimist who sees no hope in the world. If this profile sees like a stupid jumble of contradictions, than that's your problem.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

John Dillenger, Kerry Thronley, Robert Anton Wilson, Boss Tweed, Jack Ruby, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, Danny Carey, George W. Bush so I can tell him that he is a giant duschebag, Marquis de Sade, David Bohm, Adam Weishaupt, James Joyce, Philip K Dick, H.P. Lovecraft, Hakim Bey, Ken Kesey, Hunter S. Thompson

My Blog

Who reads these things?

Is anyone even reading this? I doubt it. So why am I writing it?It's the tree in the lonely forest. If a blog codes into cyberspace and no one reads it, has it been written at all? If it's functional ...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 11:53:00 GMT