camping, hiking, bicycling, pool, computers, motorcycles, guns, beer, friends, long walks off short piers.
More people from high school and college.
Lately, I've been listening to WAY too many 80's hair bands... but most music sounds good to me... The Police, Zero 7, Beth Hirsch, Thievery Corp., Ben Folds, Crystal Method, Suzanne Vega, Medeski Martin and Wood, Louis Armstrong, Nine Inch Nails / Trent Reznor, Pat Metheny, Miles Davis... etc etc.
It's getting hard to watch movies, these days.
Burn Notice, Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined), Lost, Jericho, Jeopardy!, Cold Case, CSI: Las Vegas, Modern Marvels, How It's Made, Mythbusters
Our brave soldiers serving in various countries around the world...