Mikey C profile picture

Mikey C

Chef Boyardee is my favorite supper hero

About Me

I'm married to a beautiful woman. We have 0.00 kids. I work for the phone company. I used to ride a motorcycle (sold!). I'm friends with almost everyone but only have a few close buddies. I don't stress out easily. I'm an only child, which explains all of my character flaws. I have many skills but have yet to master any of them. I like to work on guns, cars and computers, but not necessarily in that order. It's a rare occasion that all of my guns, cars and computers work. I love camping. I want a dog but have a cat. I drive an OLD Toyota Celica because gas is expensive and I hate car payments. I can be an unmotivated procrastinator and an hyperactive zealot in the same day. I love beer, wine and German food.

My Interests

camping, hiking, bicycling, pool, computers, motorcycles, guns, beer, friends, long walks off short piers.

I'd like to meet:

More people from high school and college.


Lately, I've been listening to WAY too many 80's hair bands... but most music sounds good to me... The Police, Zero 7, Beth Hirsch, Thievery Corp., Ben Folds, Crystal Method, Suzanne Vega, Medeski Martin and Wood, Louis Armstrong, Nine Inch Nails / Trent Reznor, Pat Metheny, Miles Davis... etc etc.


It's getting hard to watch movies, these days.


Burn Notice, Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined), Lost, Jericho, Jeopardy!, Cold Case, CSI: Las Vegas, Modern Marvels, How It's Made, Mythbusters


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