Cube profile picture


About Me

There is one sound in my head
There is one song in my heart
There is this snake in our bed
There is no beast that's more smart.

2009... perfect timing to uptade this previously very boring section. I am not a band. I am an individual who feels that sounds or words or light are a way out of the sickness of the human condition. Why can we not have flexible profiles? Why do we have to select who or what we are? Musician, writer, photographer, total nerd, unique individual? I'm all about being everything at once.
I use MySpace as a tool to feel the vibrating pulse of the world: I need to stay in touch with all the yous out there. I use MySpace for people like me who might be interested in a subjective vision of a life, somewhere, probably nowhere close to where they live. As such, I humbly pour my words, my sounds and my pictures in this receptacle so that my subjective experience might be accessible to other.
Here are a few quick links to samples of the ongoing activities:
    Cube tries to models Waves . Cube fait semblant d'ecrire en francais . Cube is writing stuff in English too. Cube distorts light here . Cube put one foot in front of the other at a time here ?

Cube is open to discussion and is looking forward to meeting people with compatible projects (yep... that's your project too). Or not. Cube is into what you can see here (music, blogging, travelling, the ocean). Cube's interests are not limited to this small sample of activities. So meet Cube. Invest in Cube. Get nothing back for 30 years. The best deal ever (according to highly regarded banking analysts and we all know what it's worth).

My Interests


Member Since: 25/07/2008
Band Members: Alexis
Influences: The sounds and rythms of life I have been collecting for 30 years in 16 different countries around the world. Or maybe it is that I do not have the skills yet to be able to understand my own influences.
Sounds Like: Crap for now... it has to be necessary simple since I still need to learn everything. Think about me as a baby learning how to speak. It is natural that in the beginning, the sound I make are annoying... The 4 songs I have recorded so far are what my heart suggested my hands play.
Record Label: PrivateRecording

My Blog

A lire! mais...Sinon je suis super super content... aujourd'hui j'ai recu un spam a une de mes petites annonces que j'ai mis sur Craig's List. Alors ...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 10:01:00 GMT

Apres quoi tu cours?

Un jour Raymond m'avait pose la question... apres quoi tu cours?Avant hier, lundi donc, je vais courir un peu et comme multitasking is the way to the future, j'en profite pour aller debarasser l'appar...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 10:22:00 GMT

A case of non-humility

The End ApproachingCut the wiresAndSeparate the entangled roots that run too shalow anywayAndCut through what is useless to release the weightAndRealise that the pastWith its collection of joys and mi...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 07:31:00 GMT

The Wolf is still around

Yeah... another East Bay Night... for them...Parfois je me surprends a regretter que les principales relations emotionnelles qui ont guides ma vie reposent sur des chants (ah ah) d'incomprehensions et...
Posted by on Wed, 27 May 2009 17:08:00 GMT

The Wolf

One year... 1 July 2008 (numbers would be telling me something?)Or maybe they are.No. Randomness is my mistress and she is the one guiding and my hand and my eyes and my life. Nothing happens to me ex...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 19:19:00 GMT

Nihon-Jin Dewa Arimasen... Demo...

sometimes I miss my other islands...It's really weird... I mean... I was just checking a video on a totally unrelated website... and you know how at the end of a utube video you are suggested some vid...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 19:53:00 GMT

Vous me raconterez?

Et puis au pire vous prendrez des photos...Peace peeps.Alexis
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 17:44:00 GMT

Philo-sophie dans la rue

A lire...Parce que c'est une cops...Parce qu'elle sait de quoi elle parle...Parce qu'elle a une vraie connaissance et qu'elle la partage a travers chaqu'un de ses mots...Je vous laisse avec Sophie...I...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Apr 2009 18:42:00 GMT

Douce France

Oui je sais& vous êtes tristes&Vous attendiez avec une impatience trahie par vos tics et toc de pendules romanches la sortie du troisième volet de Method for Success. Vous vous sentez volés. Point d...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Apr 2009 20:01:00 GMT

Methods for Success 2/3

[Starting Favorite Punk Private Playlist]Pour ceux qui n'ont pas suivi et qui prendraient la caravane en cours de camping, 2/3 ca veut dire qu'il y a une methode avant et que celle la c'est la deuxiem...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 18:58:00 GMT