Call me Johnnie please. I love my son, Landen Michael. He just turned 2 on Sept. 21!!!!Cville born and raised. I'm 22 and ready to have fun. I'm in a transitional phase in my life. A little maturity goin on and gettin away from the old ways of life. I mean I like good conversating, I like pretty girls, I like drank, I like people on my level, I like the good life flat out. I am what I am you can like it or love it. NO middle... sorry hatters, you gets no love. Music is me and I am music. I like to write tunes which usually ends up being potery but its me motha fuckas. Holla back cause friends are scarce and acquaintances are too many.
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics
Snoop Dogg "Gangsta Luv" Ft. The Dream Official Music Video
First official music video off of Malice N Wonderland "Gangsta Luv" Ft. The Dream. Malice N Wonderland In Stores 12.8.09