..Art (Graffiti writing my website is http://www.flexrock.pagehere.com , paintings, mixed media, sculpture, video and sound installation, fashion can be cool), Design (I like checking out alot of interactive designs and print designs, one of my favorite websites is www.newstoday.com - design portal and www.heavy.com - design firm with alot odd/funny/entertaining pieces on their site), Movies (I try to watch alot foreign films but comedies are good to. I just saw Soul Plane and Goodbye Lenin). I also like to travel. I've all troughout the US, fllying and roadtripping, and to a few places in Europe (Berlin Dusseldorf and Koln in Germany and Amsterdam in Holland). I can appreciate a good a restaurant and good beer. No real favorites, variety is better with food and liquor.
Anyone with something interesting to say.
Anything good and not to mainstream. Hip Hop, Rock, Country, Blues, Jazz, Latin Jazz, Spanish Rock. I think music is mood based. Depending on how I feel or what I want to listen to I'll throw something on.When I first get up I might throw on some Omara Pintauro to relax. Sometimes I'll listen to Mataburro or Slayer when I get to work in the morning to wakeup. I might listen Dilated Peoples a little later when I'm starting to feel a little more upbeat. If I'm in slow mode I might throw on a little Cash.
Asian cinema is pretty strong. Bejing bicycle was a good movie. It was about a recovering drug addict and his relationship with his family. At the end of the movie it takes a weird twist and you find out that everyone in the movie was playing themselves and reanacting how the story happened in real life. Spanish language flics are cool, Y tu mama tambien was a great movie, "huele como pan". I haven't seen many but Indian movies are interesting and I really recommend Ashoka(not sure on the spelling), just as long as you don't mind the short outbreaks into singing and dancing Indian movies are known for. I think Michael Moore is a really potent director. Something I'd like to see more of are documentaries. Currently my favorite actress is Audrey Tatau from Amelie and Dirty Pretty Things, both really good movies.
The George Lopez Show and Soul Train. I don't really watch alot of television.
I like to read non-fiction. I've read books about different artists Steadman, Van Gogh, Los Tres Grande (Rivera, Orozco and Siquieros), and Frida Kahlo. I enjoy reading books that are social commentaries like the Autobiography of Cesar Chavez and Behind Smoking Mirrors (a book about the US Mexico border relationship). I read Tema Celsete (Modern Art) and Adbusters (Subversive politics).
My mom and my abuelito.