*MySpAcE SuRvEy*
[name]: JoDi
[birthdate]: MaRCH 22, 1988
[sex]: LiL Ma
[relationship status]: SiNGLe
[shoe size]: 6
[parents still together]: NoPE
[siblings]: uNCLes nD CuZiNs
[pets]: DoGGiE nD KiTTY
[color]: PiNK
[number]: 4
[time of year]: My G DAi
[type of weather]: WaRM
[food/drink]: MaC nD CHeeSE... nD My NeW FoUND LoVE, BBQ CHiCKeN! ;)
--DO YOU--
[twirl your hair]: YeA, i WaS THiNKiN oF DReADiN Up! LoLz SiKE Na
[have any tattoos]: NoPE NoT YeT
[cheat on tests]: NoPE!
[like scary movies]: YeA
[like cleaning]: YeA SoMETiMES
[know how to drive a standard]: YeA
[own a cell phone]: NoPE
[collect anything]: BooKS
[been in a fist fight]: YeA
[considered a life of crime]: NoOOOOO
[considered being a hooker]: NoOOOOOO WTF?!
[been in love]: YeA i THiNK
[made out with just a friend]: YeA
[hurt someone you love]: YeA
[kicked someone in the nuts]: HeLL YeA!!!
[clothing]: JeANz nD A Tee
[hair]: CuRLy
[song you are in love with]: RePLaCEMeNT GiRL- DRaKE Ft TReY SoNGz
[cd in your stereo]: DoWN SoUTH MiX... LeTs GeT iT!!!
[mood]: HaPPi :)
[thing you ought to be doing]: iDK
[first crush]: THiS KiD iN 4tH GRaDE LoLz
[first kiss]: THiS KiD NaMeD JoSEPH
[first love]: My DaDDi
[do you believe in love at first sight]: No
[do you believe in "the one"]: YeA... iM STiLL TRyNA FiND HiM!
[are you a tease]: nO... iVE BeeN ToLD i AM THo
[would you ever commit yourself to someone 100%]: YeA iF THeY WaS DOiNG THe SaME
[honest]: YeA
[sarcastic]: YeA
[a daydreamer]: YeA
[up tight or laid back]: LAiD BaCC
[messy or organized]: iN THe MiDDLE
[shy our outgoing]: BoTH
[nervous habits]: NAiL BiTiNG
[are you double jointed]: YeA
[can you roll your tongue]: YeA
[do you make your bed daily]: No LoLz
[which shoe goes on first]: WHiCH EVeR oNE iS CLoSEST LoLzz
[bought something]: YeA
[been sick]: No
[sang]: YeA
[missed someone]: YeA... LiKE CRaZZZiiii!!
[gotten drunk]: HeLL YeA
[gotten a haircut]: No
[watched cartoons]: YeA FoR LiKE A HoUR
[been kissed]: YeA
[lied]: YeA... A LiL oNE THo
[you spent the night with]: JeNN
[spent the night with you]: UMMM NO ONE! LoLz
[saw you cry]: NO ONE
[made you cry]: i DoNT ReMeMBER
[you said "i love you" to]: My DaDDi
[told you they loved you]: SaME
[the best feeling in the world]: BEiNG LoVeD
[the worst feeling in the world]: BEiNG HaTeD
[your greatest fear]: CaUSE oF DeATH
[the thing you want most in life]: SuCCeSS
Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Bored? ((Over 100 questions))
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: JoDii!
Birthplace ::: NEWaRK NJ!
Age ::: 19
Age you act ::: 25
Current location ::: EaSTWiiCC
Eye color ::: LiiGHT BRoWN
Hair color ::: BLoNDiiSH BRoWN
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: RiiGHTY
Zodiac sign? ::: ARiiES NiiGGA!
Height? ::: 5'5
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: BLaCK
Your hair ::: UMMM BLoNDiiSH BRoWN LiiKE ii SAiiD BEFoRE!
Your fears ::: DEaTH
Your perfect room ::: PReTTY iiN PiiNK ;)
What you practically do in a day ::: EVERYTHiiNG!!!!!
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: LoSER!!!!!!!
Phrases you overuse ::: HaVE A PiiECE!!
Your first thought when you wake up ::: GoTTA Pee!
Your greatest accomplishment ::: HiiGH SCHooL
Something you want to do ::: TRaVEL THE WoRLD
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: CoKE PLEaSE
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: BK ALL DAii!
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: NEiiTHER
Chocolate or vanilla ::: VANiiLLA
Adidas or Nike ::: NiiKE
Black or white ::: BLaCK
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: BiiLLS
Burgers or hot dogs ::: BuRGERS
Egypt or France ::: FRaNCE
Rock or rap ::: RaP
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: EVERY ONCE iiN A WHiiLE
Cuss ::: YeA :X
Sing well ::: YeA
Sing in the shower ::: YeA
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: YeA
Believe in yourself ::: YeA
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: SoMETiiMES
Play an instrument ::: UsE TO
Want to go to college? ::: YEA
Want to get married? ::: YEA
Want to have children? ::: NO
Think you're a health freak? ::: NO
Get along with your parents ::: N/A
Get along with your siblings? ::: YEA
Think you're popular ::: YEA.. ii BeTTER BE!
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: UMMMM NO
Drank alchohal ::: YEA
Smoke ::: YEA
Get high ::: YEA
Done any drugs ::: YEA
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: NO
Been on stage ::: NO
Gone skinny dipping ::: NO
Been dumped ::: NO
Dyed your hair ::: YEA
Stolen anything ::: NO
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: ME
Loudest ::: Mii, MONii AND JESSii
Most shy ::: NONE
Blondest ::: UMM ii THiiNK ME STiiLL
Smartest ::: iiDK
Kindest ::: ALL
Best personality ::: ALL
Most talented ::: ALL
Best singer ::: JESSii ME AND MONii
Most ghetto ::: ME
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: T
Pain in the ass ::: NONE
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: NONE
Funniest ::: ALL
Best person for advice ::: JESSii ND CRiiSSY
Dependable ::: ALL
Trustworthy ::: ALL
Druggie ::: K!!
Most likely to end up in jail ::: HOPEFULLY NONE
Person you've known the longest ::: K
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: ii WAS KiiLLiiN....WeLL, He KNoWS WHo HE iiS!
Last nightmare ::: NONE
Car ride ::: TO CHuRCH
Last time you cried ::: UMMM ii CANT REMEMBER
Last movie seen ::: THE HiiLLS HAVE EYES 2
Last movie rented ::: ii CANT REMEMBER
Last book read ::: SiiTUATiiONS
Last word said ::: ii TOLD MY BABY ii LOVED HiiM ;p
Last curse word said ::: FUCK!
Last time you laugh ::: LiiKE 5 MiiNS AGO
Last phone call ::: MY REEM
Last song you listened to ::: iiCEBoX REMiiX WiiT USHER
Last annoyance ::: NONE
Last IM ::: VELL
Last weird encounter ::: N/A
Last person you hugged ::: MY EX
Last person you yelled at ::: K
Last time you wore a skirt ::: UMMM ii DONT REMEMBER
Last time you've been evil ::: NO CoMMENT ;)
Sarcastic? ::: AGAiiN... No CoMMENT!
Last time you fought with your parents ::: N/A
Last time you wished upon a star ::: LAST NiiGHT
Played Truth or Dare ::: LiiKE 6 YEaRS AGO
Spent quality time alone ::: ALL THE TiiME... TO CLEaR MY HEAD
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on ..:: NOT AT THE MoMENT
Do you feel lonely ::: NO.. iiM BOUT TO GO SEE MY BAE
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: YEA.. AND THEY CAR X-P
How about egging someone's house ::: YUPPERzzzz
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: HUH??!? NO
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: SURE iiS
Yo Momma ::: iiS FRiiCKiiN UGLY!!!!!!! LMFAOOOooo
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: NAH
What do you think of George Bush? ::: ASSHoLE
Any secret fetishes? ::: UMMM DREaDS
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: NO
How many languages do you speak? ::: 1
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: NOOOO
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: OKAY THEN YEA! ;)
Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
You Are Social
You're the type that enjoys life with other people. You're sociable and friendly. When it snows, you're always happy to shovel your neighbor's sidewalk. You may want to major in Education, Health Sciences, or Humanities. You may want to be a Librarian, Physical Therapist, or a Teacher. Who Are You? MySpace Quizzes at PimpSurveys.com