Geoffrey McCabe profile picture

Geoffrey McCabe

About Me

06/11/2008 09:00 PM - Aura Nightclub! -- Studio city
04/16/2008 09:00 PM - Aura Nightclub! -- Studio city
04/03/2008 09:00 PM - The Derby
03/06/2008 09:00 PM - 14 Below
02/06/2008 09:30 PM - The Derby
11/29/2007 08:00 PM - Rescheduled: The Derby
11/09/2007 08:00 PM - Hallenbeck’s General Store and Cafe
Geoffrey McCabe is a alt/rock singer/songwriter/guitarist with two critically acclaimed instrumental releases and European touring experience (including Montreux Jazz Festival) under his own name who after reinventing himself in a post alternative rock style relocated from New York City to Los Angeles in Summer ‘00.
There is a real life experiment from the 60's, I think -- the 50th or 100th Monkey Effect its called. Back then behavioral sciences were big and the story goes that a group of these scientists went to some South Sea islands and found a small grouping inhabited by monkeys where no evidence of human presence could be found. Each island was sufficiently distanced from the other so that no monkey traveled or swam to an accomanying island.
They mapped out the monkey's behaviors on all the islands. And then on one island alone they began to teach the monkeys one by one a new pattern -- I think it was washing their fruit before eating it. At a certain point a critical mass was hit and suddenly all the monkeys began to wash thier food. And to the amazement of the researchers, the monkeys on the other islands started doing the same. They were tapping into the cultural mass consciousness for monkeys relative to thier island grouping and it had been altered and, so too, them with it.
I believe if we look at this we can start to see that it makes sense -- its the way advertising works. You hit the culture over and over again with a simple message until it is a household item: buy "Acme" laundry soap. The mass conscious pool of information that we all tap into had been changed and we change our behavior -- its simple.
Suppose enough people choose to give up thier fear, to let go off thier baggage, etc. -- chose to be happy, feel joy and excitement in life? Wouldn't at a critical mass, there also be a suddden change in mass consciousness and the answers we need to have about what it is like and how would we know things as these new masters be available?
That critical mass is slated in for 2012. And once a greater portion of people tune to that and get thier consciousness up, then there is a larger critical mass and that begets another and another ... through 2023 ....
There are many probabilites -- the highest one of Light is what I encourage you to choose. There is a greater and greater quotient of Light that is hitting our world as we approach a place in our cosmic orbit where we are the closest to the Gallactic center as we have been in something like 26,000 years to help us all give up the baggage, to prepare us -- and as it breaks loose, the lower emotions, the anger, rage, guilt, shame and blame, all need to be expressed or experienced in some way.
Ideally, to felt but not acted upon. As this occurs, the underpinnings of our historical culture begin to unwind. Lots of confusion, conflict, weather patterns, the speeding up of things, the groups of people leaving en mass, like some of the prophesies for this time ... all because the is more Light now. Inspiring our passions to be "busy being born, not busy dyin'". You might not have anyting better to do.
McCabe has performed and/or recorded with among others: Taj Mahal, Scott Healy (Conan O'Brian Show - NBC), Rodney Holmes (Santana), Eddie Gomez, Bob Moses, Dave Liebman (Miles Davis), Randy Brecker (Brecker Brothers – Saturday Night Live), Rich Martinez (Carly Simon), Aaron Scott (McCoy Tyner), James Genus (Saturday Night Live), Matt Garrison (Pat Metheny - John McLaughlin), Wietn Wito (Intergalactic Maiden Ballet), and Tom Brechtlien (Robben Ford).
His two jazz releases for which he wrote all the compositions and also produced are: Teseract Complicity, featuring Eddie Gomez, Clyde Criner and Bob Moses which received 3 &1/2 stars in Down Beat, and Fractal Architecture featuring Richard Martinez ..s (Blood, Sweat and Tears, George Russell Septet), Wietn Wito (a German bassist Vernon Reed from Living Color introduced him to) and Tom Brechtlien. It was on the basis of the demo tape for Fractal Architecture that led Claude Nobs to have his quartet perform at the Montreux Jazz Festival.
Geoffrey McCabe started Coherent Sound In Light, Inc in 1996 as musical instrument designer and received his sixth US Patent in May, 2005. 06/07/05
"Dream big -- because no matter how big that is, it's nothing compared to what you really can do".
"Using the most reliable approach for bending reality to your desires, imagination is always the key first ingredient, then by adding clear intention, expectation and action, results will be realized."

My Interests


Member Since: 23/09/2004
Band Website:
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


Today is the 8th Anniversary of moving from the East Village in Manhattan to Hollywood on June 5, 2000 .... I am happy I came here.
Posted by on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 20:00:00 GMT