unDerr cOnstruCtiOn sTiLL
AbOuT mE
Name // JoeNationality // Sicilian nd IriSh
ThE giRl // I foUnd hEr =]
StYLe // ExpRess,AX,FcUk,Lacoste,DG,INC,DKNY,DieseL
Eyyoo .. Whats good - Im outgoing and I like to chill wit all bunch of types of people. I tend to come off as being shy and cocky but Im not. Dont judge me by my pics cause dats all they are.. I tend to do that lip thing idk why but I look wack smiling soo--
Since Ive been fucked over so many times in the past, my trust is earned and not given out ..
I dont consider myself a guido even tho i dress like one and look like one - dont call me a clubhead and ask me what clubs i hit up and if i frolic or Rave and if i have connects..
people these days talk mad shit and you cant be friends with everyone. i dont i have many best friends so if we talk and roll together your considered family - lOl capite? soo basically haters hop off and goo startt your shit with someone else - hate drama and i dont wanna be in it or around it
Dont add if your faker;hater;wanna jus look at my shit or you just wanna be another number -- I dont really do whore codes so dont ask that either
IM always here for you if you need advice; I tend to be blunt so when you want the honest opinion ill give it to you..
Live life how i want too - I forgive and dont forget - Ill give u the shirt off my back if i have too
All ya need to no for now - If you wanna no more get at me - msG me for my SN