Things I like~ good food. early mornings. lilacs. the stars. working out. campfires. catching fish. taking pictures. nature. fresh sheets. my doggie Ruf. people who have passion. plumeria. snowshoeing. colbie caillat. hanging with my amazing friends. making him happy. 12-20. going new places. Hawaii again for sure. my family. planting gardens and watching them grow. people-watching. dancing like no one is watching. libraries. vino. flying in airplanes. little cabins out in the middle of woods. the sound of silence. the smell of spring. getting lost in the woods. waterfalls. swimming in our big lake. snorkeling with sea turtles. reading at night. I looove garlic. the color green. the ocean. sand on my feet. sunsets and sunrises. scrapbooking. friendly people. chilly air. sleeping in on weekends. cookin big breakfasts. late night walks. playing in the rain. diamonds. learning new things. laughing out loud. sweet dreams. happy endings.
anyone who is down to earth and genuine.. people who have a good sense of humor. I like everyone until they give me a reason not to! :)
I pretty much like every kind of music.. Most days I like it loud and love it if it's live.
Don't watch much of it but I love grey's anatomy
anything that keeps me interested
Jesus. All of our soldiers who have fought and are fighting for our freedom. All of my friends because they make me who I am. My parents and family because they taught me to be independent yet caring, to love the many differences in people, to try everything atleast twice, and to make each day count, because no one else is going to do it for me.