..i Am vERy mUCh sENsitiVE,mOODy yEt sO swEet aNd fRiENDLy!!! iM oftEn miSuNdErstOOd. i dONt cARe abOut wUt pEOpLe sAy aS lONg aS iM hAPpy aNd nOt hARmiNg aNyoNe..i LoOOovE mY bEstfRiENd sOoO mUch! i eNjOy bEiNg siNgLe aNd bEiNg wiD mY fRiENds!..i hAte UsERs, liErs aNd sOciAl cLiMbEr!!! i hAtE tRAsh !!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
sOmEONe i cAn gEt aLoNg wiD...pEePz wiD gOOd sENsE Of
hUmOR...GOD fEaRiNg!!! bUt it wOuLd bE niCe tO gEt iN tOuCh agAiN wiD dA pEOpLE hU iN oNe wAy oR aNotHeR tOuCheD mY lifE...