Anti-dote (recording DEMO) profile picture

Anti-dote (recording DEMO)

The Absolute Dominion Breaking

About Me

Anti-dote was formed in 2005. The lineup was Aleksandar Kostic Kosta (vocals), Vukota Ilic Vuki (rhythm guitar), Denis Coragic Dex (lead guitar), Dusan Krstic dr Zmaj (bass) and Sasa Djordjevic Bagzi (drums). First big gig was at the Bike fest in Pirot in july 2005. In the begining Anti-dote plays songs of big heavy and hard rock bands (Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Motorhead...) and starts work on its own songs. First demo KILLING FOR FUN was recorded in 2005. Sound on the demo was some kind of heavy/thrash. ”. After that “ ANTI – DOTE ” appears in Serbian METAL HAMMER magazine ( no.6 issue ). That was the one way ticket to the bands that were not just anonymous bands. They attracted some attention. Soon after Metal Hammer Bagzi left the band and in his place came a new drummer Tomica Mancic Toca. After everything that happened “ ANTI – DOTE “ was invited to play on the “ DEMO MASTERS “ in Zajecar (November, 2005 ). In August, 2006 “ ANTI – DOTE “ performed at the 40th Gitarijada in Zajecar. They had made it to the semi-final round. After the 40th Gitarijada, thay had several gigs on music festivals in southern Serbia, and also several appearances on local TV & Radio stations in many regions of Serbia. Their performance on Gitarijada was seen in couple of documentary shows on the Serbian National TV Network ( RTS ) In September, 2006 “ ANTI – DOTE “ recorded their second “ VILE & EXTREME “ DEMO in Pirot ( Serbia ) and its first video for song called ’killing for fun’. In february 2007 a new drummer joined the band-Milan Nejkovic Nejko and the band was finaly completed.Anti-Dote has participated in 41th Gitarijada in Zajecar.They started in the semi-final round, and they’ve made it to the finals.They’ve recieved the Audience Award for the best band. New full lenght demo, -THE ABSOLUTE DOMINION BREAKING-, will be recorded soon with new solo guitarist Danijel Sokolovic.

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Member Since: 7/23/2008
Band Members:
Sounds Like: A new way of southern METAL !!!
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None