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About Me

Bass player & vocalist: LITHAM - Death Oriental, CARNAVAGE - Grindcore Oriental; LELAHEL METAL Zine - Arabian Metal The beginning of LITHAM was in March 1994, when Redouane and Yacine joined together to investigate in Death Metal in an existing band called NEANDERTHALIA. In September Sabri joins the band, until July 96, when the three musketeers Redouane, Yacine and Sabri left the band for founding LITHAM. Five months after the birth of LITHAM, came a fourth one; Lamine, to enrich the band. Spurting from the university enclosures, the quartet began to perform in picture palaces, and concert halls such as Ibn zeydoun, the open area theatre, El aurassi, L'afrique and EL atlas. After these series of concerts, through Algiers, and coinciding with the third anniversary of the band (July28th 1999), LITHAM releases the first Algerian Metal album called "Dhal Ennar" (Shade Of Fire). LITHAM has culminated on the Algerian stage before releasing the album "Dhal Ennar", it's the first album consecrated to Metal (ALGERIE 99 illustrated chronology of 1999).This album was recorded in 6 days, and mixed in 2 days, 2350 copies were sold in cassettes (and 500 CDs brought out a new edition by the band itself). In 29th October 1999, the band occurred for the first time outside Algeria, to participate in the first edition of Bledstock Festival, which gathered in LILLE (France) some Algerian Rock and Hard Rock bands. The same year in November Mr. CHERIF AFLAH, the producer of the band died. In October 2000, the line-up changed, Ismail joined the band, replacing the guitarist Lamine."In the country where the minority religious fundamentalism reigns as a master, LITHAM is breaking into a risked and audacious proceeding, which really merits your support, because it shows with lot of courage that through Metal we can also defend the highest nobility; (the liberty of expression)" (Metallian magazine No 25).L I T H A M - Death Oriental -,; Current Line-Up: Redouane Aouameur - Bass & Vocals, Yacine Meziti - Guitar, Sabri Ait Younes - Drums, Ismail Djouhri - Guitar; Previous members: Lamine Benabbou - Guitar (on "Dhal Enar"); Discography: 1999/2002 "Dhal Ennar" - "The Metal Observer" Review mp;id=2255

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