The rules are simple.
If you are in our area, which includes San Luis, Yuma, Somerton, San Luis Mexico, and Mexicali, what you have to do is MAKEOUT with the owners of the crew to join.
And if you are not from our area, just send us a picture of you making out with whoever you want.
To become an owner if you're an out of state crew member, you must submit a picture of you making out with both sexes.
Las reglas son simple.
Si eres parte de nuestra area que incluye San Luis, Yuma, Somerton, San Luis Mexico, y Mexicali, lo que tienes que hacer es BESAR a los dueños de el grupo para entrar.
Y si no eres de nuestra area, nomas mandanos una foto de ti besando a quien sea.
Para ser dueño y eres fuera de estado, tienes que enviarnos una foto de ti besando a los dos sexos.