About Me
[Name] : Mariela
[D.O.B] : 12.21.87
[Fav. Colors] : Green, Blue, Red, and Black
Some people call me aggressive but who isn't?
I like all types of music.
I hate people who hurt animals.
I am extremly sarcastic and I love it!
I am a vegetarian.
I really like to curse.
When I was small my right foot got run over by a car so now it makes a clicking sound when I rotate it!
I HATE liars.
I bite hard enough to draw blood.
I love my friends enough to kill for them and will forgive them for anything they may do.
I have no idea where I'm going or how I'm going to get there but I'm ok with that.
DianaIpo Loves Man Juice
.:The Fantastic Mantastic Carlo:.
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