Kristia Ashley (music) profile picture

Kristia Ashley (music)

About Me

I'm Tia
I'm 17 years old
I love singing and making music
I need to get a better microphone for my laptop
Talk to me any advice is appreciated!

video for "Side by Side Rocketship Ride"

check out "just a kiss" remix with vocals by effie cantu from astrid harlow! it takes a while to load....

My Interests


Member Since: 22/07/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Tia
Influences: Lights
Daniel the Photographer
Breathe Carolina
Handshakes and Highfives
The Electric Playground
Owl City
A Rocket to the Moon
Gregory and the Hawk
Imogen Heap
Sounds Like: love♥
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

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