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About Me

newest project: Afghanistan Peace Movement has a community by kiva to support as lender people in Afghanistan in building their own buisness or have money for invest in their farms and own projectscheck out am a German artist and the land of my heart is Afghanistan, also called Ariana. My vision is, that all Afghans in Afghanistan and all Afghans who live all over the world in exile built together an ARIANA PEACE MOVEMENT. The idea came in the forum of the website Afghna-German-Online AGO during a discussion about the region in Pakistan, which was seperated from Afghanistan by the Duran-line and normally had has given back to Afghanistan by contract 1984. At that time cold war was and the iron wall exists, USSR was stationed in the biggest part of Afghanistan and so this region still was a part of Pakistan till today. It seems that some people wants to have a war between Pakistan and Afghanistan. I was very angry about such a wish and after some words, I proposed that Afghan people should built a peace movement and beg the world to gave that part back to Afghanistan.For to spread this proposal, idea and vision I openend this site, with the wishSpread out please this vision, make this vision to your own and be a part of "Ariana Peace Movement" and give this idea a chance.I beg your pardon for my small English and hope I explained all in a right mannor.Salam, Peace and Frieden I wish to you all! Thank you for your regard,Janan Karim

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If you want, you are able to reachAfghanistan Peace Movement byFax/Voicebox +49 3212-525 88 88

My Blog

Amani-School-Kabul - Supportunion for Amani

All those who have relations, who visited in Kabul Amani-School, should show them this websitewww.amani-ors-kabul.comThis is a very senseful work of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer-Oehme, who have been director an...
Posted by on Wed, 27 May 2009 03:07:00 GMT

Hello my friend, hoping you are fine and have a little time to read this....

  Afghanistan Peace Movement openend by KIVA a community to support as lender projects of Afghan lenders. It wonderful, if you help to spread out this possibility in Afghanistan, if you are able by fr...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:44:00 GMT


"We wish AFGHANISTAN and the world prosperity and PEACE !" Today, early in the morning, as I thought about what I am doing, to found as one person, me alone, such a movement with the wish to proc...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 23:20:00 GMT