.my greatest enemy....Is my inner me profile picture

.my greatest enemy....Is my inner me

yes I'm.. .....presently on da incline...

About Me

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My Interests

angela. football . angela. Basketball . angela. Watchin football wit angela . Watchin basketball wit angela . It don't matter wat I'm doin as long as its wit angela ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Basic Stuff
Nicknames: mikey ...mike mike...bubba
Birthplace: norfolk Va
Birthdate: 4.4.90
Height: 5.9
Weight: 170
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: black
Heritage: nigga
Religion: God
Food: spagehtti
Color: red
Sports Team: denver broncos
Performer: jay z
Perfume: angela
Candy: angela
Fruit: same as perfume...naw da green apples
Animal: ?
Magazine: king
Ice Cream Flavor: cookies and cream
Kind of Soda: dont ddrink soda
In a Guy/Girl
Hair Color: red
Eve Color: black
Short or Long Hair: long
Height: shorter dan me
Weight: 500lbs
Clothing Style: fresh
Personality Traits: real
Turn Ons: good kisser
Turn Offs: bad ass breath
Most attractive body part: lower body
This or That
Basketball or Football: football
Pen or Pencil: pen
Morning or Night: night...u kno wat it is
Love or Lust: love
Boxers or Briefs: boxers..
Looks or Personality: looks...
Hot or Cold Weather: hot so i can put on my swim trunks
Gum or Mint: gum
Kisses or Hugs: both
Holding Hands or Arms Around the Shoulder: how bout face down a...nevamind
Walk on the Beach or Drive Along the Coast: walking..gas2 much for dat shit on the coast
Bath or Shower: shower
The Future
Where do you want to live: in a house...no shit
Do you want to get married: yea
Do you want kids: 1 lil boy.no girls
Want to go to college: yea...tcc
Your Dream Job: street pharmicist
Bedtime: 8pm
Most missed memory: bowling park..
Best physical feature: evereything u see
Pet peeves: loud ass girls..an niggas dat talk2 much
Goal for this year: man i need2 think bout nex year dis year done
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I'd like to meet:

Eva longoria, Trina & asha
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RAP:Of COurSe Jay_Z, lil wayne, Da whole dipset.Cassidy, Beanie Seigal, Nas, da old 50 cent not window shopper bullshit. Kanye, T.I., PSC, paul wall, UGK.


Scarface, Don't be a menace, all da scary movies, da sixth man, goodfellas, all da fridays, chucky, love & basketball, any given sunday, crooklyn, new jack city, paid in full, belly, & playas club


Fresh prince, my wife and kids, da wire, chapelle show, comic view, da parkers, san Boondocks - A Nigga Moment

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I haven't finished hooked on phonics yet

