Team Members:
Eric Broberg
Peter Eich
Scott Hunthausen
Olin Patterson
over ambitious and a little nuts, the directors of the international surf lifesaving association are attempting a cross country bicycle ride to raise money for sending volunteer lifeguards to beaches around the world that need assistance. for each mile they ride (a daunting 11,000 total) they will receive donations through various businesses, family and friends.
the embarkation starts September 6th with a six hour flight to the east coast. once they dip their back tire into the atlantic, they will begin a 50 day cycling adventure back to the great city of Huntington Beach, California! if you feel so inclined to hear of the dubious acts that will be performed to ensure they survive the 3000 mile voyage, please check here or the website www.cycling4acause.org.
If the fates allow, the cosmos remain aligned, and the bodhisattva Hunthausen performs his tri-weekly sé-ance to the third quadrant moon while its in its oldest phase, they will no doubt finish strong at the Huntington Beach pier come early november. please feel free to come and celebrate the voyage and the inauguration of the ISLA at a wild gala which will be announced soon! there, you can sneak a picture with the crew in hopes it winds up on the newspaper, hear an inspiring quote from sir patterson, or check out the newly acquired rode scars on pete eich's legs from attempting to ghost ride the great planes.
The entire journey will be documented by a production company and reproduced into a film later this year... come and be apart of a life changing experience!!!
MORE TO COME... Check back SOON!