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live, laugh, and..

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comhref="" style="position:absolute; top:0px;background-repeat:no-repeat;left:0px; height:160px; width:100px; background-image:url( pace.gif); background-position:left;" Myspace For Girls Only -
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? sweet tea w/ lemon
Beverage (alc) ? dirty martini
Color ? yellow
Food ? chicken nuggets
Item of clothing ? jeans.. love em!
Meal of the day ? dinner
Feature on yourself ? smile
Quality in a guy/girl ? honesty
Phrase ? lol..
Song ? hmm.. depends on my mood
Musical Artist/Band ? j timberlake
Sport ? volleyball
Movie ? notebook
TV Show ? grey's anatomy
Radio Station ? im a radio surfer..
Type of Chocolate ? dark w/ nuts
Eye Color ? blue or brown
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yes
Smoke ? yes
Drink ? yes
Have any piercings ? 2 in my ears
Have any tatoos ? yes.. 2
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend no
Had sex ? ;)
Gone streaking ? no
Gone skinny dipping ? yes
Do you Sing: i try..
Been to an island ? yes
Had stitches ? yes
Broken any bones ? no
Been stabbed/shot ? no
Slept until after 12:00 ? yes
Stayed up all night ? yes
Danced like a whore ? lol..
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? no
Turned down a dare ? no
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? kelly
Is the prettiest ? they all are
Is the most handsom ? they all are in their own ways
Is the loudest ? kelly again
&..39;Is the craziest ?' that would be.. kelly!
Is the most shy ? alicia
Is the most loving ? april
Is the most understanding ? they all are
Is the most boring ? hmm.. none
Is the richest ? hmm..
Is the most athletic ? sean / chrystal
Is the most cocky ? they all are at times, lol..
Is the biggest sex icon ? angie thinks she is, lol.. i lov ya!!
Is the most wordly/cultured ? angie
Do you look up to the most ? richelle
Do you tell everything to ? richelle, emme, april, kelly and bones..
Has the best clothes ? lily
Has the best house ? chrystal
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? sure..
Kiss someone of the same sex ? no thanks
Cheat on someone you love ? hopefully not
Run away from home ? no
Lie to your parents ? no
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? depends..
Lie to your best friend ? depends..
Give a homeless person money ? yes
Run from the police ? no
Bungee jump ? no
Sky dive ? yes
Cross dress ? no
Be an exotic dancer ? lol..
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? no
Scuba dive ? no
Go rock climbing ? yes
Go spulunking (caving) ? no
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? slim shady
Bologna ? lunch meat
Hott ? heat
Orange ? juice
Real world ? mtv..
Fuck ? u
Jack ? and jill
Cucumber ? salad
Hip-Hop ? music
Uniform ? military
UniCORN ! ? horse
Rainbow ? the pot of gold
Clown ? balloons



You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri
You're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party.
You may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk! What Mixed Drink Are You?


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