Haggard Daggers, music, tall bikes, my bass, my band, warcola, tinkering, circuit bending,physics, astronemy, science, vorvadoss, robots, the arts, traveling, spicy food, swiming, trains, ultra violence, bike violence, movies, vegtables, philosophy, psychology,solitude, politics, mass murder, plagues, famine, desperation, lust, greed, gluttony, deception, betrael, apathy, genocide, war, agnosticism, sloth, infidelity, lies, stealing, cheating, disease, tortured souls, george bush, and all other things pretaning to evil of the worst kind, beer, whisky, promiscous pre-teen sluts, vintage drum mechines, vandalism, not using spell-check, video games, whack off movies, judge judy, hitting on your mother, stealing things, fast food, obsessivley grooming my fingernails, and harrasing my cat
sonic vibrations capable of displacing air at audible frequencies.
anything on physics