Yooh can call me Supa Badd...Please d0nt add me if your n0t even going t0 c0me thr0ugh t0 the paqe, I mean what's the p0int G. H0nestly th0 I add m0st pe0ple because I g0t l0ve f0r them f0r even c0nsidering adding me. Als0 if your a mutha fucking music page trying t0 get y0ur name 0ut and shit, Dont pr0m0te y0ur shit 0n my page, its myspace n0t your space b00 b00, Just an f.y.i T0 y0u music pr0files, I aint your mutha fucking hype girl, if you want that, g0 call P Diddy!!! digg that. SUPA BADdd has sp0ken.IT'S ALL ABOUT MEH BABY BUB
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