hanging out with friends, family, and random people that come to my house. Going to the City for shopping. anything small, old and metal. antique toys. Zombie movies. Horses even though I've been bucked off more than Ive rode. Getting tattooed and kisssing out with tattooed guys.swimming and the ocean.sunny mornings, rainy afternoons.my treasure.skeleton keys. grafitti.asterisks. Reading and drinking tea. yoga and tantra. live music. feeding people till they cant move.being slavic.kniting sewing.being unemployed. all ocean food except bottom feeders-yuck.compulsive brushing and flossing.bike rides.men that are good with their hands-in more ways than one-carpenters.builders.tattooers. musicians.artists. propaganda.free speech.bands on tour.clean bedding on the texas king.the one armed scissor.1984.tough love.common sense.
Rockers, Metal Heads, Skateboarders, Artists, Writers, Tattooed Construction Workers, Mechanics, Bad Ass Girrrrls, and Dirty Rotten Bitches,
The Wolves, Perfect Circle, Slayer, Minor Threat , the Pixies, Iggy Pop, De Facto, David Bowie, In Flames, Mastodon, Sheer Terror, Helmet,Mars Volta, Metallica, Guns and Roses, The Vue, ATDI, The Clash, Smiths, Sonic youth, the Rapture, The Cure, N.Y. Hard Core, Velvet Underground,Death Cab, Nico, Misfits, Fugazi, Built to Spill, Form Of Rocket, fugazi, Vile blue shades, SUB masq, pretty much anything that gets my blood surging.
The Warriors, True Romance, Better of Dead, The Big Lebowski, all Zombie flicks
Television sucks especially the Media. makes my head hurt with the exception of The Simpsons, Adult Swim,and some programs on Food Network Depending on how hungry I am.
Kerouac, Bukowski, Salinger, Orwell, Yukio Mishima. Any novel that includes adventure, sex, drugs, and devience. I am also a fan of anarchist books and zines that inspire and offer instructions for do it yourself destruction
Anyone that has taught me to be a better person byway of the school of hard knocks.