wen i feeL b0red..i make xure dat aLL thngs shud be d0ne..Lyk cLeaning 0ur h0use..0ne way 0f burning my caL0ries..hehe!!..heLping my m0m t0 finish sum 0f 0ur h0useh0Ld ch0res..i aLs0 Luv s0und3p..fud3p..watching m0vies.. surfing the net..0n the 0ther hand..wen im w/ my frends..we Luv 2 pLay v0LLeybaLL..biLLiards..card games and 0ur aLL tym fav0rite Laugh3p's..=)
i appreciate any type 0f music esp. 0Ld s0ngs..
0f c0urse..spider-man 1 and 2..and a L0t m0re..
mtv the wade b0bs0n pr0ject..myx..afv..axn..animaL pLanet..fear fact0r..ripLey's beLive it 0r n0t..the c0ntender..30 sec0nds t0 fame..mr. bean ..art attack..Lizzie McGuire..martin mystery..t0taLLy spies..that s0 raven..wwe raw..wwe smackd0wn..& 0f c0urse aLL kapus0 t.v. sh0ws and pin0y big br0ther..L0ve it!!
tuesdays w/ m0rrie..Les miserabLes..the purp0se driven Life..the b0ok 0f answers..true phiL. gh0st st0ry ..abnkkbsnpLk0..