Dropping ThE Old...Putting On New!! profile picture

Dropping ThE Old...Putting On New!!

LiFe is LiKe Mus!c, iT MusT be CompOseD by Ear, FeeLinG,@nd !nsTinct, Not By RuLe!!

About Me

Hey Wussup Everybody...Welcome To My Page!! My Name Is Brittaney And I Am A Senior Reppin' C/O 2007! First Of All I Love God With All My Heart! I Am A Very Laid-Back Type Of Girl And Easy Too Get Along With (Most Of The Time)..I Am Very Mature For My Age, I'm Not About Playin Alot Of Games! I Love Music and I Really Love Too Sing!! I Am Very Focused On My Future Goals In Life And I Plan On Reachin' Them..I'm Different From Many Other Girls..And I Dont Have Any Intentions Of Changing Who I am For Anyone..But Dont Get Me Wrong I Love to Hang Out Wit My Peeps and Have Fun! So Check Out My Page And Holla At Me!Myspace Layouts @ Wootfreelayouts.com

Cute Hot Layouts From WHATEVERLIFE.COM!

My Interests

Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: 12:32 p.m.
full name: Brittaney S. Wright
nickname(s): Elmo, Pookie, Pooh, Britt-Britt
birthday: February 19, 1989
where were you born: Mercy Hospital
zodiac sign: Pisces
height: "5.3"
weight: 120
hair color: Dark Brown
eye color: Brown
shoe size: 3.5
ring size: 5
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): stuid question
blood type: does it matter
grade: 12th
GPA: 2.9
siblings: 1 lil sis & 1 Big Bro
tattoos: none Yet!
piercings: my ears
hobbies: Doing hair...
color: Turqouise
food: apple dippers..lol
candy: Skittles
type of cheese: provalone
pizza topping: cheese
salad dressing: ceasar
sandwich: Turkey Ham & Cheese
cereal: Cookie Crisp
fruit: Pineapples
vegetable: potatoes
berry: strawberry
: strawberry short
book: A Liar's Game
movie: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
magazine: Seventeen
newspaper: The Sun
tv show: All of Us
website: www.myspace.com
radio station: 92q
font: Andy
cartoon character: Elmo
artist (painter): ....
actor: Dwayne Martin
actress: Halle Berry
cd: Tye Tribbett
song: Spend my Life With You
music group:
music type: R&B
day of the week: Wednesday
month: February
season: Fall
holiday: My Birthday
number: 1
phrase: Ya Muva!
store: Old nAVY
weather: Warm.
restaurant: Fridays
channel: BET
weekend activity: Shopping
hangout: mall
house color: white
sport to watch: Basketball
sport to play: basketball
animal: none
flower: rose
guy's name: Kavon
girl's name: Makayla
board game: Sorry
party game: Musical Chairs
story from childhood: 3 LIL pIGS
body part: eyes
have you ever
been on a train: yeah
been on a plane: yeah
been in a car accident: naw
caused a car accident: naw
run into a wall: yeah...lol
burned a potato chip: no
almost burned the house down: yup
smoked: naw
been drunk: nope
been high: naw not my style
broken the law: yup
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): yup
kissed someone of the opposite sex: yeah
kissed someone of the same sex: noone but my mommy
frenched an animal: um hecks no
made out: i dunno.....lol
had cyber sex: wut the heck is that
gotten engaged: naw...almost..lol
had an .. relationship: naw
been rejected by a crush: sadly yeah...he's wack
loved: yeah
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: naw
cried in public: yeah
cried over a movie: nope
fallen asleep in a movie theater: yeah
given someone a bath: no
been to a boarding school: nope
been home-schooled: naw
lost a valuable item: yeah
bungee jumped: neva that
skied: nope
met the president: no
met a celebrity: Yup
gotten a cavity: sure did
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: i gotta shirt
made a prank call: used too alwayz...lol
skipped school: no
faked sick to get out of school: yup
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: no
climbed a tree: nope
fallen from a tree: no
broken a bone: yup
sprained anything: yup
passed out: yeah
made yourself pass out: no
been to disney world: naw
been to a theme park (not disney): yup
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): yup of course
made a model volcano (working model): naw
made a clover leaf with your tounge: nope
what did you do yesterday: went to the mall
memory you miss the most: elementry skool
memory you want to forget: a retreat
something you regretted after it was done: meeting that person...
the last
song you heard: Shake ya Money Maker
cd you bought: dont know
thing you said: shut up
time you cried: a while ago
movie seen in a theater: i forgot
thing you ate: breakfast food
person who called: Skip
nail polish shade worn: Tan
time you showered: 10:00 a.m.
person who complimented you: everybody
at this moment
what are you listening to: my sista sing
what are you wearing: some shorts n shirt
what are you thinking: where am i going 2day
what are you scared of most: roller coasters
how many people are on your buddy list: 103
occupation: Manager of own Business
marriage site: Church
honeymoon: islands
place to live: A house...duh
kids: 1 boy
car: lexus
what are you doing tomorrow: Going 2 Church
do you think george bush will be reelected: Naw...he betta not be
will there be a wwIII: hope not
will politics ever be truthful: who knows
will humanity snuff itself out: maybe
can the gov. be changed: naw
best friend: Chquitia
funniest: Kia
silliest: Skip
loudest: A.j.
quietest: Anethia
craziest: Asia
calmest: Sabrena
skinniest: Bria
best secret keeper: Myself
worst secret keeper: Kita
the one you have but don't want: Mario
smartest: George
preppiest: C.j
peppiest: Khanita
most hyper: Taylor
hottest: Me of Course
weirdest: Brittnie
biggest pervert: ....dont kno
most annyoing: Rach...lol
shyest: Gabby
most religious: Travis
do you believe in
heaven: Sure DO!!!!
hell: Yup
angels: yeah
devil: yup
god: Of Course
buddha: naw
aliens: heck yeah.....lol
ghosts: naw
spirit (soul): yeah
soulmates: yup yup
reincarnation: no
love at first sight: Yes!
karma: sure do
love in general: yurp
luck: sometimes
yourself: Why wouldnt i
who and when was your first crush: 8th grade..this boy
any now: kinda
a celebrity crush: Dwayne Martin
who do you want to be with right now: uh....lol
whos number do you want: L.J
who do you want to kiss: Um...they kno
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: Why they Alwayz gotta Lie!!!
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: someone i like
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: 7
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: style
what do you look for personality-wise: honesty,funny,smart, talented
biggest turn on: eyes
biggest turn off: when they cant dress
something thay weat that turns you on: blazers
something they wear that turns you off: Big T-shirts
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: get married
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: Valentines Day
what do you wear on a coffee date: i dont kno
is it right to

I'd like to meet:

Top 8 Survey:

Your Top 8
1 Spinderella
2 Salt
3 Pop-Pop
4 Linn
5 Keylolo
6 Gwen
7 Toasty
8 Tiffany
Is #1 attractive? I guess..(its my sista)
Have you met his/her parents? we have the same...duh
Are you or have you ever been romantically involved with this person? um ewww..
Have you ever hugged #2? yeah she's my best friend
Friends with benefits? okay...NO!!
Have you even met this person? UH..yeah..stupid question
Do you actually like #3? Yup i sure Do!
Do you go to school with him/her? Naw...
Have you been to his/her house? Yeah almost every Sunday...
How old is #4? 26..i think
Do you guys have inside jokes? um not really
Is this person athletic? not that i know of
When's #5's birthday? really dont know
How'd you meet this person? church
Are you glad you met this person? yup
What's #6's middle name? A.......(Im not tellin..hahaha)
Does he/she have siblings? nope
When are you going to see this person next? prob Sat. or Sun.
Use one word to describe #7. Crazy!!..lol
Does he/she have a pet? I dunno
Have you ever been out of town with this person? Nope
Why is #8 last? Just really gettin to know her..
Do they live near you? naw
Is he/she attractive? i dunno..dont judge otha females
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com


I lUV aLL tYPES OF mUSIC!! aND I lUV 2 sING!!! Project:PRAISE!!!!!!!!!! Ow..Owwwww!!


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Martin, Wayans Brothers, Girlfriends, All of Us...


Ma Dukes, Leta(Cuzo)

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WhaT iS lOvE??

LoVe....hOw Can iT Be eXplaiNed???,LuV iS aBoUt AffeCtioN, CommiTment aNd TruTh. LuV iS abOut FeeliNg paSsiOn aNd LuV iS bOuT cAriNg FoR Da pErSon u LuV. TrU LuV iS HaRd 2 fInD sO doNt gO l...
Posted by Dropping ThE Old...Putting On New!! on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:22:00 PST