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About Me

My name is Floyd but you can also call me Run FMC or Flowetry. I've written a christian rap which is down below just for personal enjoyment. I'm Filipino but born and raised in Cali. The most filipino thing about me is that I LOVE karaoke. Sophomore at La Sierra University but in the process of transferring to Loma Linda for the Nursing program. There are many things in my life that I cherish such as my family, friends, and hobbies, but there is one thing that i know: the people that you love will eventually let you down, and you will do the same, but God will never leave you nor forsake you.
I'm thankful for this life, for the hardships and for the good times, because anything can be a blessing, it just depends on how you look at it. And it doesn't matter how many times you've been through the word of God, but how many times the Word has been through you. Simply put, the best translation of the bible is the one translated in your life. I am thankful to God for my mom, who puts her family before herself ALWAYS. I don't know what kind of person i would be without her influence.
I'm a nerd who studies all the time, but also makes an effort to live a balanced life by hanging out with friends, and family. I like video games, especially rock band and playing the Wii (it's my only exercise because i'm too lazy to go to the gym). I've been a laker fan since the days of Nick Van Exel, Eddie Jones, Elden Campbell, all them. But now i'm too busy to keep up with every laker game. Thank God we got Pau Gasol...Bynum needs to come back soon. I love to go bowling whenever i have free time and money.
I'm usually really shy unless i'm with a bunch of friends in which i can be pretty loud, just because i love to have a good time and to make people laugh. So if i don't know you and i don't talk much, don't be offended, i just can't think of anything to talk about. God Bless
II Corinthians 12: 9, 10
And he said unto me, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." Most gladly therefore Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Verse 10: Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake:, for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Don’t Need Weapons--written by Floyd a.k.a. Run FMC
I speak the truth not about a new dance or how rappers choose to live
Keepin’ it real, I ain’t after fancy cars or a million dollar crib
You know what, everyday is a gift and it’s God’s choice to give
Only Our Lord and Savior can help us deal with
Our sinful nature and imperfect flesh
I have faith in a greater place called heaven, after a long sleep called ‘death’
Gave me my breath, got me through every test, and struggle, provides me with rest
I’ve got strength through Jehovah when my weak body has nothing left,
I give Him my life, cuz He brought me from darkness to light
God has said, “Vengeance is mine,” so all my battles I let Him fight
I’m still human, I’m never gonna be perfect, and I make a lot of mistakes
So when I’m doin,’ wrong I know it’s still worth it, to try cuz He died for every sinner’s sake
Jesus’ sacrifice was more than enough like when Mary broke the Alabaster box
Why save this world? Cuz His love is endless, He opens the door to he who knocks
Seek ye first the kingdom of God, not money, possessions, or for people to applaud
All that matters is the Lord’s opinion, but too many people are wishin’ that the world would listen
He saved a wretch like me, I was blind, He made me see,
Don’t need weapons, just my sword, the B-I-B-L-E
God found me when I was lost,
And I’m thankful cuz He paid the greatest cost,
So I follow His guidance, yeah, He’s the boss,
I want to deny myself and “take up my cross”
This world is not my home and I’m not afraid because I’m never alone
Even in this day and age, before men, I let my light be shone
I trust in His promise cuz I know that my God is busy with places to prepare
Earth’s mansions can’t compare, got Him on my side, so Satan beware
I Corinthians 10:13 says, “There hath no temptation taken you but such is common to man…”
Put your entire trust into Him, like Proverbs 3:5, lean not on your own knowledge to understand
Our Master’s awesome plan, “…God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able,”
No temptation is greater than His love, so there’s no license to sin, that’s a fable
But if you lose your step, cuz the evil nature lives within, it’s okay as long as you repent,
The devil wants you to fall, he even followed Jesus wherever He went
Have faith and pray, He never misses the call, hears whatever you say, with you through it all
With you every minute of every single day, protects you when your back is up against the wall
My problems are not money or girls, my problem is that when I want to do good I can’t,
As much as I try to live for God, sometimes I get selfish and proud, I need a transplant,
A transplant of the heart, give me a new one, Lord, cuz this one’s tearin’ me apart,
I quit every good project that I start, like Rom. 8 let me “walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”
Too many voices in my head: friends, family, the world’s, but the Voice of Truth I still hear it
So I ask of you God, in me let Your Spirit dwell, says verse 9, speak Your words not mine,
Give me living water like the woman at the well, so that I might have a pure heart, honest and kind
Oh wait, let’s rewind, I forgot to say ‘that I may never thirst,
a water well in me with life everlasting’, my life was taking a turn for the worst,
I smiled on the outside but on the inside my heart was torn
I’ve been reborn, but Lord, I need to be baptized daily, to have calm assurance for the future,
Not a maybe, so life’s struggles won’t phase me, all will know I live for You, by how I’m behaving
God is my song and my salvation, so I don’t care how long I’m sittin here waitin
One day He will come again, the Savior of men, listen to the bible prophets, they are a Godsend
I’m reppin 202 crew, but ultimately I serve God and I ain’t bout to pretend
I know you guys got my back but He’s with me now and forever, from beginning to end
So the last thing Run FMC’s got to rap today,
I believe in the Lord, even when the world says, “No Way!”
They say it’s not logical and it doesn’t make sense,
I don’t run away or get tense, I just shout, “Yahweh!”
Quizno's--also written by Run FMC
Riverside plaza, welcome to Quizno’s
Delicious subs until 9 when we close
Appealing to the nose, we represent so that you will know
If you looking for the flavor, we’ll toast it real slow
Want it for here or for to go?
The subs are good but might end up like fat joe
Want onions and tomato? Yeah sure, but please mustard, hold the mayo
We have it in the packets…oh, I guess I won’t have it
Make it dry, I don’t want it soggy when I’m sitting in traffic
Better not ask for a six-inch or a footlong
It’s not subway, we make good food, they make it wrong
So don’t go to wrong way cuz we make it right
Just don’t come in right before we close tonight
Wheat or white, What kind of meats do you have?
All types, just tell me which one to grab
You taking too long, I’m starting to get mad,
Oops! No gloves on, call me superbad
Finally, are you ready to order now?
The soup. Sorry, already broken down.
Either way we only have chili and broccoli cheese
I don’t know why so no questions, please!
Don’t like it then you can just leave,
Enough customers, so your business we don’t need
“It’s expensive,” don’t care if you hungry gotta have some money
It ain’t funny, this ain’t no joke, want the Cheesesteak
Okay, the meat’s gotta soak so you might need to wait
Don’t piss me off, I won’t spit but I might cough
Just playin, I’m messing around, just saying
I’m not gonna serve you food that falls to the ground
The food smells so good when it comes through the oven
Like the Premium subs, not a sexy hamburger but the real McLovin
Quoting that cop from that movie, I’ma tell you something
Let me know whether or not you want some lettuce
Or anything else to fit your sandwich fetish
Cuz once I cut and wrap it up it’s going in the bag
This ain’t a bluff, I’ve had enough, you blew the chance you had
Q the U the I the Z, N to O S, We the best,
Can’t step to us we better than the rest
We know you can’t get enough, just get it off yo chest
Try to test us, we’ll pass the sanitary and satisfaction test
Red brick to right and juice it up, ‘to the left, to the left”
Subway, we’re taking your customers its gonna be a grand theft
Our subs are hot and toasty, how much better can it get?
Other places gotta do something cuz we a triple threat
We’re unique, got taste and selection, we’re totally different
It’s yo boy Run FMC, runnin’ with Big Rob, RDC, K-Dogg, and TronDiddy
We don’t play with them fools trying to be cool, trying to run the biz
Don’t tell us how to make sandwiches, we the ones working at the ‘quiz’
So if it don’t look like the picture, don’t get pissed, it can’t be fixed
We don’t deal with rude customers anymore, we show em the door
We like to sit in the back and try to ignore, the people out there,
Cuz we don’t care, Fine! I’ll get up out my chair, oh wait it’s 9
We don’t have to serve you anymore just look up at the sign
Time to close the store, and time to end this rhyme,
Hope you guys enjoyed this song and had a good time
But I don’t want to spend my whole day dropping a line
I’ve had my 15 minutes of fame, my moment to shine
Hope you remember the name, here to change the game
But honestly Quizno’s is lame, and that’s it…I quit!

Background from flickr user ..

My Interests

God is more than an interest, He is the center of my life

Video games
Ping Pong

I'd like to meet:



I listen to a lot of Christian music like Air1 and KSGN, but I do like hip hop and rap as long as it talks about more than cars, mansions, and super models. Stuff from Tupac is a good example, because he rapped about real-life issues. However, even though most rap today carries little meaning i will listen to some.


Movies that make me laugh, movies with cool fight scenes and/ or special effects, movies that speak to my heart, or those that are thought-provoking and life-changing. Some examples: Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile, Hitch, The Pursuit of Happiness, Blood Diamond, The Departed, Jet Li's Fearless


No time for TV at the dorms, but i do like Family Guy and Chapelle's Show.


Bible, otherwise i don't like reading.


God and my mom