inftinite randomness
in·fi·nite ran·dom·ness
A logical and philosophical description of the inner
working of the universe.
The summation of all instantaneous moments in time for which
each moment presents the opportunity for interaction between
any two particles transversing the realms of the universe.
A particle travels on its given path unless acted
upon by another particle.
At any given moment two or more particles causing an
interaction can result in the repulsion, joining, or
orbiting onto a new vector.
A particle interaction/moment of opportunity can
only be resolved by the excursion of free will.
The movement of particles is not constrained to the
conceptual three dimensional world.
The real infrandom
I consider myself on an adventure through life. Each day brings a new
slate from which to explore the world around me. I'm a pretty laid back,
easy going, down to earth guy. I enjoy living life and going on
adventures with friends. In my daily life, I work a pretty flexible job.
I enjoy my work, yet have learned not to let it be my life. I love
learning new things, I'm a technologist so I like figuring things out
and playing with cool toys.
I have many hobbies and interests, but only usually a few at a time.
Weekends just are not long enough. If I could change the weekend
schedule I'd propose the 4 day weekend. The first day to reach your
destination, 2 days to enjoy, and one day to return and relax. I'm
always looking for fun and new activities as well.
Activities that I'm
currently enjoying are, walking, wake boarding, jetsking, camping,
photography and video editing. Activities I wish I was spending more
time doing are, motorcycling, rafting, hiking, raquetball,
exploring/traveling, and stargazing. I'm also contemplating starting to
mountain bike but as of yet haven't acquired a bike.
My latest video projects:
"Don Pedro Camping 1"
The first of 2 weekend camping adventures at the scenic and beautiful Lake
Don Pedro. This July 4th weekend provided lots of entertainment in the sky and
on the lake. The water was perfect temperature and the waterfalls were scenic.
"Don Pedro Camping 2"
The second weekend camping trip to Lake Don Pedro. This time we bring along
some expert help and everyone finally gets the hang of wakeboarding.
Classic Videos:
"Psychogenic Syndicate ORHS Bumper Stickers"
(1994)TV Advertisement for PsyGen Syndicate ORHS Bumper Stickers. Our infamous econ project
that almost never saw the light of day after our key "Nothing gets by a Trojan" bumper stickers
were confiscated by our teacher in order to avoid further controversy. .
[1 min 25 sec - 4.1MB]
"Bannigan Soda Advertisement"
(1994)Another econ project video, this time for the popular Bannigan Soda. This new product
release made Jolt Cola look like flavored water. Its life was short lived and it was soon banned
by the FDA, citing health concerns. Starring the always funny
Joel Banaszak .
[1 min 42 sec - 4.9MB]
This profile was edit by my own two hands, some HTML and CSS knowledge.