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About Me

Ich bin Harald, 45, verheiratet mit Nidia, der wunderbarsten Frau der Welt. Wir beide sind Christen. Von Beruf bin ich Sozialwissenschaftler und leite eine kleine christliche Reha-Einrichtung für psychisch Kranke. Ich interessiere mich neben den Sozialwissenschaften auch für Tiere und Natur, male und fotografiere und lese gerne. Freue mich, Menschen aus aller Welt kennen zu lernen.

I'm Harald. Living in Germany. I'm happily married to the most wonderful woman on earth Nidia. We're Christians. I'm 45 years old and a social scientist by profession. Working as a manager of a small Christian rehabilitation centre for people with mentally handicaps and diseases. Besides of my occupation and the social sciences I'm interested in nature, I love animals, painting, photography, reading. I'm interested to meet people from all over the world. Please feel free to message me.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

nice people from all over the world.

My Blog

Nidia Ortiz New Homepage

Dear friendsToday I'm happy to present you Nidia's new homepage. A few things are not finished yet, they will be done very soon. I hope you'll enjoy the page, with informations, pics and morePlease ch...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 20:07:00 GMT