..."it's not easy being me. My sea-star is my best friend. Family is all you need. i got more then that. educate yourself. be smart. i read. be creative and bright. eat sweets. you only live once. don't worry about how u look how much you weigh. it'll just bring you down. be the inspiration and change you want to see in the world. be safe be happy explore. i wish these things for you, and me too!i do not believe in therapy. i am a strong believer of love, karma and fate. everything in life happens for a reason. people are always going to try and bring you down, but you can't let that get in your way. everything i do has to be visually appealing to me. i am always tired. i get anxiety attacks like its part of my daily routine. i have bad hypochondria and im always convinced something is wrong with me. i read my horoscope everyday. i dont like Az. i constantly want to travel. i wear jeans and t-shirts. i can watch the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 days on repeat for days. i wear more bracelets and rings than the average person. i can't stand silence, so i sleep with the iShuffle on. ive grown up in Arizona and it is not a big part of who i am. my heart belongs in a big city and always will. no where else but my house feels like
home. i prefer night time because i love gazing at stars. im sensitive. i eat a lot of edimami and cucumber rolls
and take too many bubble baths. no one can compare to my SEA STAR, she is the world to me. my mom is one of the strongest people i know, and always knows the right thing to say. my dad is a kid in an old mans body.
he has taught me so much about the art world, and i am thankful for that. im the most organized mess in town.
i could dance for hours. people always tell me im the hardest person to figure out, and i like it that way. " xoxoxxx,amy I drive an old school early 90's car. I waste most of my money on starbucks or coffee bean and tea leaf. I love chinese food. Yummy Noodles. love the sound of music on vinyl. love overcast weather.im always cold. have been in AZ since 1985 so..so far all my life. Petite. i have a bunny named Charweee. puppy named holli and she's my buddy. i love hollywood. I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it.Please don't call me "Hey you."I use a lot of dot dot dot's at the end of things I type. Example: "I was like... Yo girl!".Fate decides who enters your life. Actions decide who stays in it.hope in a better place is all i need. won't mess with your head or play with your heart, Because I'm a real girl and i finish what i start. the best memories i have i can't explain. i'm a jelly fish kinda girl (that's amy talk for jellous). i am who i am today because of the choice i made yesterday. i am the worlds worst speller. i am OCD everything has to be perfect in my room or at my desk. outside of those 2 things i'm a mess. i think too much. i claim i know what your thinking,but i'm most likely wrong. i love cosmetics and anything that makes my lips feel cool and moist. i LALALALAAALaaa love Dr. Pepper. he has cure my sleepy nights. i'm not a big fan of drinking anymore. i like being classy and chill. my goals for working out 5 days a week have sank into the abyss. i love my papa's Mac Book Pro. i hate being lonely. there is always time for a nap!!! i love honey stick the ones from Gloria jeans. you can bundle a ton of those up and give them to me like flowers AMAZING! ..