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I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm sorry but I can't hear anything you're're ACTIONS are speakin way too loud!!! right?! can I say someting?? I'm a simple girl and i think thru all the is really simple. Don't Lie, Don't Steal and Don't cheat!!! that's as simple as simple gets. yet some need to complicate it. perhaps it's just a temporary cognitive impairment. those affected...BE AWARE...there's no GOLD at that end of the rainbow (it's like tappin on the table when you've already been dealt 2 faces. SHEESH!) lol...what the heck did i just say right now?! I've got a few pet peeves----it's dissappointing when people quit before they even try. why do people spend before they earn. and who speaks before they think. i kno that nobody is perfect but dayamn, at least try not to stay so damn far away from that line. is it really that hard?? hahaa. NoOo, but really, i'm guilty of imperfection...let's pray for each other. I thank God for every challenge in my life...they are a GIFT. opportunities to learn. and if i didn't learn from them, then that would make me a failure...but failure is not in my vocabulary so i guess i'm learning new shiet everyday. you've heard me say this before...everytime you learn something new, a new wrinkle forms in your brain. I'm tryin to jam pack that chit much as i can in this lifetime. so, feelin the song?? if mMm hMm, i'll continue to write so you can keep on listening. if not, then STOP READING!!! but i keep on.....CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY! it's really a choice. If you feel good, you'll do good today. and that's the route i try to take everyday. do i sound like a self help book yet?? if yes, then hell yeah...i've been workin on alignment and i guess it's materializing. you know that i'm not talkin to any of you, right?! i'm speaking to myself...or should i say i'm thinking...thinking out loud. whatever. yall should try it sometime tho...alignment that is. it's indemnification. (maybe sacrifice just a little tv here and there). so is it funny when people blow all their cash money in one session?? again, i've said this's not what you make, it's what you KEEP! IRA, BABY! if you were born 1938 or later, holla IF ya need to kno...i don't need to see your car, show me your bank statement babe! hmMm let's see...I'm lovin people who keep every PROMISE they make. & i guess i'm the type of person who would rather SEE a sermon, than HEAR one anyday. CANCER is meeh. it says i'm loyal. i dunno, maybe you can ask someone who knows me already. i'm done na..i need respite...random thoughts...i am florissa D. ruiz and yes I took that new york baby! SMILE :P

My Blog

smart woman

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.If you are successful, you will win...
Posted by on Mon, 21 May 2007 16:13:00 GMT

no greater love than this...

God is crazy about me.He sends me flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.Whenever I want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose my heart. unknown.Happy Sab...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 00:08:00 GMT

rest in peace

I feel angry, sad, depressed at the same time. I feel so restless even though I need to sleep. But regardless of the feelings that I feel at this moment, how I wish that my grandpa from my moms side d...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 23:25:00 GMT

Before You

i love to sit and watch the ocean in the moon that shines above.  Alone in the sand, looking at the stars, wishing someday I would find true love. wouldn't it be nice to see the morning with the ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Jun 2005 22:49:00 GMT