Ariz and A.C. arrived in L.A. as strangers, but have since joined forces in an effort to create something never before seen or heard. BazookaBoots formed in April 2008 as a drum and bass duo experimenting with wrenching sounds and volcanic beats. Looking to take the very guttural elements of their weapons and find the surreal rhythms therein, BazookaBoots lives to expand their music.
We are currently and fervently seeking a GUITARIST who is interested in compounding with our sound. A guitarist who treads both in the heavy backdrop as well as the vibrating avant-garde. We aim to join arms with a musician who agrees that to form something both unique and enjoyable, one should be both unique and enjoyable. Basically, if we all jive as artists as well as humans beings, BazookaBoots should be an atomic fucking bomb!
So check us out, and let us know what you think!