Adam Round Music profile picture

Adam Round Music

About Me

Born on the southern side of the Swan River in the badlands of Attadale, Western Australia, Adam Round developed a taste for epic rock at a very early age. His mother had Adam audition for a band at age 12 and before he could spell "conservatorium" he found himself playing professional gigs at most of WA's venues. He opted for the life of hard knocks approach and sweat it out learning his chops the old school way........ gigging. Originally playing guitar in bands, he moved onto drums and found himself at the crossroads....... he sold his soul that day... Now he spends most of his time on the other side of the glass recording bands.His recent projects have included Pyromesh and Apollo National. He has also worked with singer songwriters/jugglers/vaudevillians/flame throwers and the occassional autocrat and can sometimes be seen lurking around venues mixing a multitude of different live acts. If you're interested in working with Adam he can be reached at [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 18/07/2008
Type of Label: Major

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