Where do i start i work way to much and its not for everyone but what the hey i guess i can sleep when iam dead. My family is my world and they are the people who support me good times bad times & all the times in between. I love life and love the the life i live.. Be gratefull for the good times and always be sure to learn from the bad times no one is perfect , God will never give u more than u can handle. Never take a chance on someone u love cause its like they say in a bronx tail u only get a few good ones kid . Money ,success and all the material things in the the world means shit if u dont have someone to enjoy it with..Always enjoy your friends everyday and try and never see the bad only find the good in each person cause u can never change a person they have to want change for them self , Give good advice when u can always listen with a open ear u might just learn something. Nature and health go hand in hand a strong core gives u a healthy mind. The world is an open book just fill in the pages all u have to do is enjoy it @ its simplest form. When ever u get the chance to help someone or make a new friend do it u might meet someone hella cool ,and they might really need your help. Take the time to make an old person smile cause one day we will be old to. Never forget to enjoy the small things cause the best things in life are free! Sooner than later take a family member or friend for a walk or talk cause u never no when they will be gone . Be true to yourself and your dreams, reach for the stars & u might hit the clouds , always be content and happy the grass is not always greener on the other side!!!!