About Me
I classify Myself as a Independent Conservative.Which means I don’t align Myself with NO Political Party, But if any Politician have Conservative values, He or She has MY VOTE!!! What are conservative values you may ask. Here are a few. Most of you people will not have a clue as to what I’m about to mention. First I believe in The Flat TAX..This will eliminate the power of the IRS and make everyone in this country Tax payers..The Government will have so much money that they will have to figure out what to do with it. The Flat Tax is nothing but a consumption tax and you know everyone in this country purchase everything from food to cars. I’m also for totally eliminating the Capital Gains Tax and the Death Tax. I believe in Term limits for all Senators and those who are in the House of Representatives. If those Bums have to come out and live under the Laws they pass while in office after two terms maybe they will think hard about the laws they pass that we have to live under. I’m PRO LIFE.. If you want a Abortion YOU PAY FOR IT , because I don’t like my tax dollars funding MURDER!! I’m Pro Family and the family I’m referring to is a family that is made up with a MALE AND FEMALE.. Now, if Any you SISSIES who don’t like that statement I REALLY DON'T CARE..... I’ll become Pro-Gay or Pro SISSY when you folks can reproduce with each other and don’t have to go outside your so called relationship to have a children, then I’ll become Pro Gay. Being Gay just mean you folks can’t reproduce all you can do is Recruit. I know it’s some who will say what about people who are born with both sex organs? I really don’t have time to get into it , but I will say this , A Natural Health Doctor in MY state of North Carolina , the Home of one of the Greatest Senators that ever served in Washington (The Late Jesse Helms, God bless his soul) can answer that question. I wont leave you hanging, but those who are born with both sex organs the female need to check on the types of food she is eating or water she is drinking that has this certain chemical in it which causes those types of births to occur. God is Not a schizophrenic like he is up there and can’t figure out what sex your child should be and say to himself I’ll give this one Both sex organs and let them figure it out...give me a break. I ALSO BELIEVE IN HAVING GOOD CREDIT!! When your Credit is good that just tell the world your NAME is good. I’m also PRO Victim and 100% FOR THE DEATH PENALTY. The True purpose of the Death Penalty is Not to Deter Crime, but to put to death the perpetrator so He or she wont kill again. A responsible society who love it’s citizens should never allow the same person to make more than one family their victim. I’m also for protecting our boarders and get every illegal OUT OF THIS Country and make them enter like everyone else who is still on a waiting list after 12 years.. If you want to come to this country just do it the LEGAL WAY and when you enter , enter with the mind set of becoming a TAX Payer and not a baby making machine so you can get your RED ,WHITE and BLUE American Flag Debit card ,with a basket full of grocery running over while your boy friend is pulling out a roll of hundred dollars bills to pay the difference!!!If ANY One take this statement and Say I DON’T LIKE Latino People , you’re Out of your Mind. To Hate or dislike anyone base on something they have no control over, such as their ethnic background , is a sickness that the World don’t Need.. I LOVE Latino People and have many Latino friends who I will give them MY Last dollar , but All I’m saying is If you come to this Nation The American Government Need to know why you’re here , how long you’re planning on staying, and do you have a Criminal Record, because the Number one purpose of Government is TO PROTECT IT’s CITIZENS!!!! So If you want to Call ME a Hater of Latino People all I will say to you is go Look up the word “ ILLEGAL†before you say anything else to Me!!! When you fill out immigration forms for ANY OTHER COUNTRY , Those question I just mention will be on there, so Why should America be ANY Difference?? SO the only way to deal with this Problem is to VOTE for the Right person who live on Principle and will make sure that Everyone adhere to the LAW of the Land..I’m Also for the BUSH TAX CUTS TO BE PERMANENT ON the so called Rich , because the last time I checked I don’t know of ANY POOR PEOPLE who are hiring or creating Jobs. Since 76% of the American public is employed by small Business raising tax on the so called Rich who are making 80 thousand or more will do nothing but cause all small business Owners to cut their small work force to survive, and assign more work to the employee’s they keep. So, it seem to me to Tax those bad rich folks types of policies hurt those (the poor) who the liberals democrats claim they love, and then pimp the poor for their votes every four years. I have notice the Liberals Democrats only come and pimp the poor for their votes every four years, at lease if you believe in Santa Claus , He come ONCE A YEAR!! WAKE UP POOR FOLKS Ceck your history Liberal politics is design to keep the poor looking to the government for help and they continue to give the poor just enough to run out by the middle of each Month.!!! I’m for keeping the Minimum wage at $6.50 an hour I know it's over $7.00 a hour now. Listen People!!! The purpose of the Minimum wage is for young kids when they are old enough to work to teach them a work ethic, so they can purchase their own X-BOXES, I- Pods , and Air Jordans. The Minimum wage JUST MEAN You’re a Unskilled worker. The only way to eliminate Minimum Wage from your future is go to a community college and acquire a skill like , Auto Mechanics, Nurse Assistant, or a Chef. If you think for one minute that the Democratic Liberals are doing you a favor by increasing the Minimum wage..Tell them to work for it.. Because, if the minimum wage is good enough for YOU it should be good enough for THEM. I’m totally against Affirmative Action because it is design to totally empower the Black female and destroy the Black Male. Why you may ask? Good question, when you give any corporation a quota system which many will argue until they are blue in their face that affirmative actions is not a quota system. All a company will do if they have 100 employees and ten percent Must be Minorities . I can guarantee you that 8 or 9 of those minorities will be Black Females and maybe one Black Male who is a Sambo sell out who can be controlled. So when the NAACP come to that company they point at their Black females and that one simple token Brother and say here are our Blacks aren’t they pretty, and when the feminist come to their company they point at their females and say "look at all our females we are pro women here," so Affirmative action just help a company kill two birds with one stone. So when the Female is empower more than their male counterparts you destroy that Race of people Family Unit. That is what conservatism is People and being a conservative don’t mean you are a racist, or some mean spirited person, but you are just an old school person who believe in absolutes and Personal Responsibility. NO Gray Areas you are either Right or Wrong.I'm also a African American Entrepreneur. That Means I don't wait for anything to happen for me, I go out and Make It Happen. I don’t look to the Government for anything. The only thing the Government can do for me is Stay Out of MY Life. Keep your Free Health Care, Keep your Free Cheese, Keep your Minium Wage and your Social Security which this Generation as well as the illegal’s will spend it up.As you can see the symbol on MY home page that YES!!!!! Iâ€M A RAIDER!!!!!!!, and I Fell in Love with the Raiders as a Little boy because of the Mission Statement of their Organization, Which is “COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE†In a Society where everyone is looking to take short cuts and can’t figure out why their lives continue to produce mediocre results. The reason why is because they aren’t Committed To Excellence. Those who are Committed To Excellence always surround themselves people who will find a way to WIN even when Winning seems impossible. I have a favorite saying that goes like this: “ If you fine yourself in “HELL†don’t cry or complain, go through it, and when you come out on the other side, because YOU WILL if you don’t QUIT, then turn to the devil and tell him to KISS YOUR AZZ.†HEY People!!!! LIFE Is design to beat you until the diamond in your life appear, but if you Quit you will never taste the sweet spoils of success.. IF success was so easy then EVERYONE will be successful, but only 1% will taste success in Life because they are willing TO DO what the other 99% isn't willing to do.What I found out once I learn to think out of the box is America is the only place in the world I desire to live. As MY Buddy Don King always say after every prize fight â€ONLY IN AMERICA†you can be whatever you want to be. I found that to be a true statement, because, if you incorporate self- discipline and surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.Then success will be as sure as a fat Man or Woman eating their eight square Meals a day.Then you can Stop Blaming the WHITE Man for all your Problems. Then stop looking at the Pictures in Playboy , Hustler, and burn all your Porn DVD’s and start picking up and reading Publications such as the “Wall Street Journal, “ Forbes Magazineâ€, and Investor Business Daily.Readers make LEADERS, so if you hate reading you will always depend on second hand information from people who may not have your best interest at heart. Once I became a avid reader I found out that Man's Greatest Enemy are not other Men But Ignorance. Ignorance is nothing but the absents of KNOWN knowledge, that is available to ANYONE who is willing to seek for it.The Very foundation of Poverty is Laziness , Instant Gratification, and Ignorance...Once you learn what the top 1% in our society know who are avid readers of the publications I just mention, then you will not have to look to ANY political figure such as a President to change your miserable life which you created because of Your PISS POOR Choices.Life is Choice Driven and Everyone Is where they are in Their LIVES TODAY, because of the choices they made. I know a Lot of you want to blame someone for your sad Pitiful life. But the ONLY Person you have to blame is the Person YOU wake up to every morning and look at in the Mirror. It's like MY Mentor Dr Myles Monroe stated back in 2005. He said a person Know what Course they are On in life base on the Choices THEY MAKE DAILY!!!!! For example, If you smoke , I don’t have to tell you that Cancer is in your Future SO YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU'RE ON.. If you’re out here today knowing that it’s over 38 sexually transmitted diseases , and you're having Sex, protected and unprotected, you know a STD is in your future and Six out of the 38 STD's in existence today there is NO Cure at lease according to Medical Science. And by the looks of many of these MY-SPACE pages many of you have one NOW!!! So People YOU ALL KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!! If you're always showing up late at Work, you know getting fired is in your immediate Future.. YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!!! IF you like to drive Drunk ,you know a car accident is in your future, and you’re about to kill some innocent person who may have a family or even Kill yourself,, SO YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!! IF you like to go out to these whole in the wall clubs with your posse and pick fights , you know a Bullet has YOUR name on it, So let’s stop being ignorant people!!! YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!! IF you’re FAT OUT OF SHAPE AND OVER WEIGHT, YOU KNOW a HEART Of ATTACK, CANCER, or diabetes is in your future, YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!!! If you’re MARRIED AND having a Affair ONLINE OR OFF , YOU know DIVORCE is in YOUR Future.. YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOUâ€RE ON!!! IF you’re in College and Not going to Class and when the final grades come out, and you’re on the borderline between a D and F , you know you’re going to get the F , YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOU’RE ON!!! IF YOU LIVING ABOVE YOUâ€RE MEANS AND HAVE MORE MONEY GOING OUT THAN YOU HAVE COMING IN , AND YOUâ€RE DOING THAT CRAP JUST TO IMPRESS YOUâ€RE FRIENDS And OTHER PEOPLE, YOU KNOW BANKRUPTCY IS IN YOUR FUTURE...YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOUâ€RE ON!!!! If you Have barrow Money and You’re Never on time paying your bills and some of you BUMS don’t pay your lenders back at all..YOU KNOW HAVING BAD CREDIT is IN YOUR FUTURE..YOU KNOW WHAT COURSE YOUâ€RE ON!!!!!!So Black People Stop Blaming THE WHITE Man and MY Buddy G.W. BUSH, because he wasn’t around when you made those bad Choices.So People and especially My Black People when are we going to wake up and understand that the only answer to our problems lies on the inside of Us and not in some Pimp liberal Democratic Politician that only come around every Four years when they Need our ( Blacks) Votes and you don’t see them Bums until the Next four years with the same message, because they know they have dumb Us down to the point that they know any promise to help is enough to get Our vote. Think about this if you go back and check out the history of America in the Political arena. Blacks Help Start the Republican Party in the Southern States, and it wasn’t until 1964 when we changed Our allegiance to the Democrats WHO WAS THE Party of the KKK and Lynch Many Blacks in the South. When President Lyndon Johnson who was a Democrat , and he also used the N - Word on a regular basics when referring to Dr King, sign the Civil Rights Bill and the Voting Rights Act for Black People in 1964 while Dr King and other Black Leaders stood in the Background, and at that point is when 98% of Misinformed blacks thought the Democrats loved US.. But the Bill got passed in the House and Senate , and the Person that lead the fight for the passing of the Bill was a Illinois Republican, and it was the Southern Democrats that fought so hard against The Bill , and the Bill got passed with the Majority of HOUSE and SENATE REPUBLICANS Which Voted YEA , While All the Southern Democrats Voted NO!!!!!!!!!!! I Know many of you didn’t know that and the only reason is because you don't read or I should have said you don't read the RIGHT BOOKs that would have given you that information. THIS IS HISTORICAL FACTS AND IT’S ALL RECORDED AT THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IN WASHINGTON , DC... If You want to Know the REAL TRUTH ABOUT HOW WE AS BLACK PEOPLE HAVE BEEN PIMPED go to Amazon and purchase The Book by Wayne Perryman , called “ Unfounded Loyalty: An In Depth Look Into The Love Affair Between Blacks and Democrats†I hope you got a Education today.I’m not on here to debate ignorant people but if you have discover your Eagle Nature then you can be my friend because it’s enough room up here where I fly for everyone... Eagles only Fly with Eagles , so if you are a Chicken , Turkey or Pigeon, and I will be able to tell by your profile.. Let me tell you Now , I’m not design to fly that Low anymore so don't feel bad if you don't make My Eagle list.. Lastly People, I’m tired of MY TAX DOLLARS paying for you people BAD CHOICES!!!! YOU MAY NOT LIKE MY PROFILE, but if you don't ALL I CAN SAY TO YOU IS SLEEP ON IT AND IF YOU DON'T FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING , GO SEE A DOCTOR, BECAUSE I'm NOT CHANGING!!!!NOWWWWWW ENJOY MY RAIDER COLLECTION, AND JOIN THE CLUB OF REAL WINNERS!!!!Here is the History of MY OAKLAND RAIDERS. Sometimes you Must show the bad with the Good!!The Greatest Organization in Professional Sports with a 76% Winning Percentage. Better than the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers, and the New York Yankees . This is for all the Fans of the Chief’s, Broncos and Steelers Eat your heart Out..HERE IS THE SILVER AND BLACK AT OUR BEST MY Man Marcus Allen Running in The Night..!!!!!! ENJOY!!!!The Grestest Athlete EVER..Hands Down!!!! He would have been a first Ballot Hall of Famer if he didn’t get Hurt and he only played nine games each season...Can You Beleive This Guy First College Football game was against Me!!WE LOSS... And The Lame DUCK Coach We had at the time who is now screwing up the University of Virginia Program had the gall to say to us in our Monday Meeting .."How could you all let a guy who was just riding the school bus six months ago put a 156 yards on you all."I was about to raise my hand and answer his question , but he was so ignorant my answer would have went completely over his head so I had to let him stay ignorant and He is still ignorant until this day..But, I’ll answer his question Now.. At the time in College Mr. Jackson was 6'1 220lbs and running a 4.1 40, Then as a pro he picked up 15 more pounds and didn’t lose a step, and This fool ask us how could we let him put up 156 yards Thank God he didn’t run for 300 that night..
Watch these two Video's and you'll see why he put up 156 on Us. But before you watch this I have to admit the Main reason why he put up that 156 because they ran away from Me almost all night!!!! There will Never be another Vincent “BO†Jackson..Sit back and enjoy Because You will Never see the lights of any Athlete like this guy Again!!!BO PART 2These are the Only Bad Boys I LIKE!!!!