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About Me

A VIRGO. Favourite numbers: 5, 15, 3, 7. A fussy one. DETAILS are very important. A NEAT FREAK. Prefer SMALL INTIMATE CROWDS to large noisy ones. Large crowds in hot, covered spaces do me no good... I'll blackout and faint!Love FRESH FLOWERS. At the moment, I've jasmines brightening my home. Favourite flowers though: white or red tulips, white/ivory roses, white moth orchids, irises, off-white hydrangeas (hmmm.... spelling?), lily-of-the-valley and magnolias.Love BOOKS and MAGAZINES. Prefered genre:similar to movie types (see above), plus part-autobiographical. Have a bad habit of reading 2 to 3 books at any one time. Husband just doesn't understand this habit of mine! Currently reading: PS, I Love You (Cecilia Ahern), Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim (David Sedaris) and Neither Here Nor There (Bill Bryson... he's such a brilliant writer/storyteller.... I imagine him as a great dinner party guest... though one will probably never get around to actually eating!). And I'm still reading the Quran... the translation bit of it.Grocery SHOPPING gets me excited (weird, huh?). IKEA's my biggest treat here in KL (there's always something I 'need' to get from there! hehe..). British India for clothes.ART inspires me. Or should I say artists? Nway, love paintings (be it on canvas, paper, cardboard, glass). Also appreciate textile designs, ceramics and glassware.And of course, my FAMILY mean the world to me. My parents who put up with my many problems, my moodswings, who tirelessly support me financially ... my siblings who put up with my moodswings, crazy ways at home and my appetite .... my husband who puts up with my spending, my moodswings, my "oooh!- I've-this-great-idea" moments, my late night suppers (usually having him drive to get me food). And Zarif, my one year old son who keeps me working pratically all day and night, yet still manages to make me smile and laugh with much love and fondness.