About Me
New times call for a new about me message . Well that's not much to say about me . Some know me as the Infamous Antwan King , but most know me as D'Mario A Hill . I'm a very outgoing ,and outspoken person which can be good or bad things . I'm also a very headstrong person who stands for what he believes in so it's hard to change my mind when I make it up . My friends tell me I like to be right all the time , and must agree to this , I do love to be right . I am a freakin social butterfly , I love meeting new people its so amazing . I recently just graduated from PGHS , Class of 2007 !!! Which is so amazing !!!! As most people , there are certain things I could not live without . One is my family whom I love so much , Two is my friends , I couldn't dare live without my friends , Three is performing , Music , theatre , and just speaking to a crowd are my life . I love Performing it's what I want to do , I can't see my life in any other feild . Well I love you all so if you would like to get to know me better just message me . Well the time has come to leave Virginia . The is the sunset of a beautiful chapter of my life but don't worry the sun shall rise again . This time as the sun rises it will be in the most alive city in our country , New York City . That's right I'll be in the big apple . So Bye all my Virginians and Hello NEW YORk NEW YORK !!!
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My Blog
True Performer 4
Ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls it is that time where I Antwan King crowns a new True Performer . It's been a while , and I blame that on Dominic Dooley , because my computer sucks , and h...
Posted by on Thu, 31 May 2007 17:54:00 GMT
Feeling like I'm in love
I have this feeling that I just can't pin point , I mean I guess I know what it is , but I don't really want to admit to ...
Posted by on Sun, 20 May 2007 21:59:00 GMT
Angels on Earth !!!!
My friends I have wonderful news for you , there are still good people on this Earth . They are god's Angels . I have been blessed this year more than ever , and I am completely grateful . Today ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:15:00 GMT
True Peformer 3
What's up everyone , this is your friend and fellow thespian speaking , and I'm here to say a few things . Let's start off with HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!! Truly it is a blessing to have made ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 23:49:00 GMT
True performer 2
What's up everyone out there i'm back with my TRUE PERFORMER AWARD thingamajiggy . This weeks choice , was not hard to think of . In fact as soon as I finish writing the last Tru...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 20:10:00 GMT
True Performer
I love to perform . It's just what I do , and what I have a passion for . I want to perform through out the remainder of my life , and I want to perform with people that have that same drive , but in ...
Posted by on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 07:09:00 GMT
My first blog was suppose to be about two ladies who I love so much , but because of a most unexpected departure , I have to talk about one person . One special girl who I love so much . Her name is A...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 23:43:00 GMT