Learning && Living MY Life to The fullest..♥Dha SideKick N00da M. Baybee♥
Shez dha twinkle in my eye Yu [hurt her] Yu [Kill Meh]..&& uhm dawg ii Aiint tryna Diie!---Weezy F. Baybee
I'd like to meet:
*☆0ld && Nehw Facez..[Real] young Men..Dont got time 4 [Niggaz]<<[Not Juz A Name iiTz A Mindstate Lukiin 4 suhm0ne dhat iiZnt the Usual] or Young Boys..iim On da NewNew not the NO-NO!!☆* ..get your own layout here. get your own layout here. get your own layout here.
Musick isk muh life{*Yupp Gotz 2 [♥] My P00h :]*}
ESPN..BET..My Name iis Earl{s0 funny}..Sex In The City..c0ld Case..&& Disney Channel [l0l..imma big kid]...
im a well read young ladi..honestly cant remember them all..ii enjoy reading!
Anyone who is striving to make some kind of difference..Those who are pressing for a better LIFE 4 them and those surrounding..