New Breed Management manages bands with their own original music and who have the passion and desire to take their music to the next level. New Breed as management would seek to aquire live shows and promote the band on all levels from venues to people in the music industry. This is a serious loyal commitment between the two parties and the relationship should be honest and ethical in all ways. New Breed will always look out for the bands best interest and work very hard on their behalf. Bands that seek serious management again should be open to suggestions by New Breed, should be self diciplined, mature, businesslike when it comes to their music, have talented songwriting capabilities and excellent stage presence. Once New Breed and a capable band make a commitment to work with each other then New Breed will enter into a binding contract with the artist or the band drawn up by an entertainment attorney to protect both parties interests. If the artist or the band members are minors then a contract will not be used however New Breed will seek compensation in advance for management.Cosmic Music Promotions is strictly for booking and promoting bands and or shows. Cosmic will work on behalf of either the venue or the band. But Cosmics sole purpose is to see the music scene thrive. If you are a band seeking shows then Cosmic Music will seek out venues and promote the band for a nominal percentage based on how much the band makes from the show. If you are a venue and you want Cosmic to staff your shows with bands then the venue will be charged nominally and promoted for the service by Cosmic Music.Any bands or venues that want monthly advertisment in the Southside/South Suburban widley read magazine called "WASSUP" contact this myspace page or Mike at [email protected]. Advertising in WASSUP MAGAZINE through New Breed/Cosmic Music can be discounted by going through us. New Breed/Cosmic Music works closley and directly with WASSUP MAGAZINE.Our promotions website is
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