BALLARD people..and their dogs,HAIR...the kind on your head.the italians and norwegians,gelato,snow,JUnk TV,the assorment of cheese,NYC,My iPOD,the food chopper,sunsets,traveling,room service,MACARONI de JOUR at the "high life",memory foam,comedy,garbanzo beans,sweatpants,movies,homeade soup...and my ever so patient friends and family....
Britney's hairstylist...cause she SUCKS!The "mayor" of ballard, Mike Holmgren( mac-daddy hawk),martha i can hear her say the "f" word..and im still thinking...
im entertained by anything...that is if i dont fall asleep.
I love TV, its keeps my brain happy...and thank GOD for DVR !
I dont have the attention to read a name tag:(
Today....its YOU.Tomorrow it will be a complete stranger.