-.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. <3 profile picture

-.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. &lt;3


About Me

im nott just another teenagerr..
& i'll changee your world.!
for better or worse, you choose.
loveed by many, hated by others.
Oh Well.
ive made mistakes, blah, blah, blah.
who hasn't
dont LABEL me.
unless you get to know me
then, do as you wish.
thats up to you
i love screamo, if you dont you suck.
i can bust a few moves to the right tunes.
i try not to be a bore, but it happens.
people get under my skin.
but i hide it at times.
boys that can sing are my friends!
i like beaches,sun,warmth,summer,etc.
i do the stupidest things,
you'll get over it. drunks suck. liars suck.
if your one of those, dont talk to me.
so many people have changed lately.
i don't really know what to think anymore. : ginacaseyandbecca@msn.com
its an old one, i kno.
The One i LOVE The Most!
My heart is taken.
WESLEY AARON JONES! is his name.
This is my gorgeous boyfriend.
he's great, i know.
with Wes, i get the whole package.
he's funny, sweet, nice, & he would take someone down for me.
We always have fun, no matter what we do.
it could be a boring day at the house,
& we would have the best time.
he makes my dimple show.
& i do the same to him. (they're real cute)
He's real protective.
Good Advice: if you're a guy, don't mess with me.
I'm sure you've heard of Wes.
Who Hasn't?
but, he's changed. (in a good way)
We've been together since July 07.
had a few rounds since then.
& offically been together straight since Nov. 07.
it's never going to end.

I Love Him, verry much.
The People i Miss Most in Loving Memory Of LeighAnn Johnson!
i lOVE & MiSS you more than EVER!

You always made me laugh & you never let me down
Your so amazing and beautiful!
ill never forget the time we went to Pickwick Inn,
& jumped in the cold pool, well actually you pushed me.
haha, but it was funny.
we ran up & down those halls iono how many times
but it was fun & we both had a blast
we did crazy walks on tha platform!, lol
put on shows for on by watchers, it was great!
We had a lot of longnite chats on msn,
You always helped me & i always helped you
You were my Oprah!, & i was urr Dr. Phil?, hehe
Gosh, i can remember back to the 6th grade
when i first met you.!
we were the teachers "pets", we got to do everything!
We were becoming even closer this year,
& i kno we are still close, just in hearts.
i still don't understand why?,
but i kno your a lot happier up there.
i MISS YOU!!, soo much. it still gets to me. =(
i hate that your gone & we missed out on doing many other things
ill see you again babe!.
Foreverrr iN My Heart! ♥-
When i come to heaven, we're going ding-dong-&-ditchen!
hehee, i lovee you!
i seen this Bojangles sign & thought of you!
iN Loving Memory of James Matthew Forrester!
he treated me like his own daughter,
ill never forget the times i spent at his house,
from new years parties to summer campouts.
when i think of fourwheelers, mud, & dunebuggys..
I think of Matt.
i also think of laughing & saturday nites & the movies.
his laugh was funny & remembered forever.
he's the one that carried me from the
middle of a field when casey wrecked the fourwheeler
He was a hero & ill never ever forget him
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My Interests

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My Blog

Camp Jackson!

Oh Man, Church Camp was the most amazing experience ive ever been through. i loved every single minute of it. i made tuns of new friends. & i miss them all already. im SOO ready for next year. i k...
Posted by -.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. <3 on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 05:05:00 PST

My Friends...

So,, i was looking at my top friends... & i was thinking about how much i really love this ppl. They have been here for me through it all. & i cant even thank them enough. This past month has ...
Posted by -.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. <3 on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:39:00 PST

i went camping this weekend!

I went camping this weekend and fourwheeler riding and all that good stuff...seen like 7 snakes and one got shot and it was pretty gross there was alot of blood and nasty junk like that kinda tasty lo...
Posted by -.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. <3 on Mon, 22 May 2006 10:23:00 PST

School is almost out

Hey there... party at my grandparents house woot woot jk! oh man school is almost out.. i have until wed. then i will be free--ohh yeah everyone else that doesnt have to take finals got out today! but...
Posted by -.r.Lynn.p.-,, i love you Wesley Aaron. <3 on Sat, 13 May 2006 04:24:00 PST