Resin Teeth profile picture

Resin Teeth

About Me

Good grooves to boogie with, or eat mushrooms with, or raise a child with, or paint your ceiling with. This project is fueled primarily by insect-like thought patterns and solitude. This music is best listened to whilst contemplatively staring out a window with a good view, for that is how tis made.

My Interests


Member Since: 16/07/2008
Band Members: Addison- Synth, drums
AIM- SpinalResinFlows


myspace layouts :: Get this layout .

Influences: Genghis Tron
Aesop Rock
Concord Dawn
Ill Skillz
Pink Floyd
Friedrich Nietszche
Aldous Huxley
Terence Mckenna
Alexander Shulgin
Albert Hofmann
Euclidean Geometry
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Sounds Like: All erotic, I lose lame female solicitor Ella.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Download Links to all albums

Here they are listed in chronological order. Any future releases will be added.Infinite Parallels1. Seaside (intro)       :502. Houndstooth and Raindrops       3:163. Turkish Royale      2:574. Rhythm...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 18:20:00 GMT