Lyndsay profile picture


oh snap!

About Me

I'm Lyndsay
I'm 20.
I'm a freelance journalist and that's about it.

I Got These Hot Layout at

My Interests

writing, dancing, acting, being on stage in general, my amazing and deadly friends, seeing my family (on the very rare occasion that I get to visit home), clothes, Lyons tea, nail polish, eye-makeup, Dior perfume, professing my undying love and affection to complete strangers, getting frustrated when people can't understand that sometimes I just like to sit in my room picking my nails and doing sweet fuck all else, embarrassing myself and others on public transport, accidentally punching people with my arm-flailing, COSTUMES, setting my standards way too high, running away from things, indecisiveness, being picky, blogs, living in the Sweatbox, reading Vogue, Marie Claire and Company (and dreaming of the day I'll work for one of them), beautiful magazine editorials, my Macbook, all things electro and retro, Gossip Girl, Old School Disco nights out, naps, NOT doing my thesis, wishing I could dance like Lauren, Allison, Travis and Neil on SYTYCD

I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to meet? Meh... I'm picky.


electro, indie, pop, hip-hop, showtunes

My Top Artists

My Top Tracks


3Ninjas, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Goonies, Empire Records, Bring it On, Save the Last Dance, Coyote Ugly, Mean Girls, Harry Potter, LOTR, Amelie, Lion King, American Dreamz, Thirteen, Moulin Rouge, 4 Brothers, Wedding Crashers, Remember the Titans, School of Rock, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Wizard of Oz, Million Dollar Baby, Boys Don't Cry, Dirty Dancing, Pearl Harbour, the Ring, Girl Interrupted, Star Wars, Matchstick Men, Kramer -v- Kramer, Crash, Highschool Musical, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sin City, Little Miss Sunshine, The Descent, Garden State, Beauty & the Beast, The Aristocats, Hard Candy, Pirates of the Caribean, Zodiac, Knocked Up, Stardust, Enchanted, Juno, Cloverfield, Iron Man


Gossip Girl, Pushing Daisies, Friends, America's Next Top Model, Skins, So You Think You Can Dance? ,South Park, Scrubs, TWIN PEAKS, Grey's Anatomy, Arrested Development, anything on MTV...


Too many to list


My parents are fucking deadly.
As are my friends. Especially Catherine Carr. But especially Gary Furlong.
Oh and THIS guy

...him too

My Blog

More things to do a Tuesday

(and in no particular order) - decide that it is absolutely necessary to get to the bar early - believe rounds are a good idea - talk to EVERYONE - decide that all the first years are amaaaaazing and ...
Posted by Lyndsay on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:44:00 PST

Right here, right now

I am hating-The thoughts of this 4000 worder I have to tackle tomorrow- How nervous I am about Romeo&Juliet- constantly running out of milk- how all the cups end up in my room- how I keep using all th...
Posted by Lyndsay on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 06:02:00 PST

Let’s escape into the music....

2007 - The Soundtrackthe sounds of my year in no particular orderAlala - CSSManiac 2000 - Mark McCabeYeah Yeah - BodyroxGirlfriend - Avril LavigneGet Your Freak On - Missy ElliotSmack My Bitch Up - Th...
Posted by Lyndsay on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

Mistletoe and wine

It's Christmas, the season to be jolly, of freewill and festivites, mincepies and mulled wine, Jesus and Santa, presents and presents. Very much my favourite holiday.I love the lights, the magic, the ...
Posted by Lyndsay on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:09:00 PST

Things to do at Halloween

-spread it over two days-refuse to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show party you always go to but dress up for it anyway-make yourself look as hideous as possible and laugh manically everytime you can...
Posted by Lyndsay on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:42:00 PST

Things to do on a Tuesday night

in no particular order)- declare your love and undying affection for everyone in your vicinity. Throw in a couple o hugs for good measure. Ah yeah...- See all alcohol as water and thus necessary for y...
Posted by Lyndsay on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 04:38:00 PST

My Summer

It has had its moments, both good and bad.  As much as I've complained about it and as many things as I wish I'd done (differently or otherwise) it's drawing to a close and I'm glad.  The b...
Posted by Lyndsay on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 11:45:00 PST


-What size is that?-It's a 37-Is that a 5?-No it's a 4. 38 is a 5. But that's our last pair-How much are these?-They're e29-And how much were they?-e85-Are these plastic?-No, they're patent leather.-A...
Posted by Lyndsay on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 02:14:00 PST

never be 18 again

Childhood memories -naming puppies and kittens after characters from whatever bok I was reading at the time - running through fields (and falling in holes) - Nana's baking and begging for the leftover...
Posted by Lyndsay on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:16:00 PST


I'm tired.  I haven't had a proper night's sleep since Tuesday.  It's been worth it though.  Wednesday  Humpday (as those crazy Americans call it...*hides passport*) saw me dragg...
Posted by Lyndsay on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 03:47:00 PST