ido profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me


My Interests

lemme,music,music(same thing,isn't it?),internet(can't live w'out it),comix(conan,penyiasat remaja,sinchan leh gak),mags too..

I'd like to meet:

anyone that i can call my fren,those who wanted to b my old skool longlost's to all my fren:past,future,present..


here's my fave we go:i like punk-busted,blink182,sum41,greenday..and i won't mind a l'il rnB in my life,sixPence none the ricHer,juz one thing-weezer n travis rox~!


i like disney me immature,but it's true..lilo n stitch,lion king,etc..n evry movie featurin my fave actor+actress..jim carrey n reese whitherspoon-that's legally blonde,the mask,n the lizt goes on..


didn't hav much time to watch ecceli-but i like comedies,fictional series-f.r.i.e.n.d.s. , cSi,pCk,kopitiam also can..n any gameshow wouldn't hurt me


*smirk*hard to say la bout books.not into reading, you see..but,i admire nicholas sparks'(a walk to rmember..definitely sumthin 2 b rmembered..) also iriss johanssen.she's a creative writer.kudos to her..


sad to say,but..dun hav one.. :)

My Blog

my insane wit it(9)

1.Ever dated someone younger than you? yezza..juz a year younger jer.. 2.Someone older? yep gak..2 yrs older 3.Ever been drunk? course not.. WHAT ARE/WERE YOU DOING... ===============...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(8)

1. wat r u wearing rite now? Blue shirt + blue jeans.. (in d mood 4 blues today..) 2. What time did You wake up this morning? erm..7am,then tido blk..woke up at 9.15am (heck,my class starts at ...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(7)...

1.Who are u? a human that made from flesh and blood.. 2. What did u last do before filling this up? do some chatting..saje bosan2 nih 3. Are you taken/single? sumwhat in between...bley x...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(6)...

o1__ Name:idora mamora iskandar o2__ Hobbies: surf d net,reading nothing academical.. o3__ Gender:for now,female o4__ Primary school: sKaUk,kL.. (mizz d good ol days..) o5__ Sec school: smKcBn,...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(4)

aLL muH faVouRite.. 01. gum: freshmint one.. 02. drink: mocha + teh ais + choc (2 name a few..) 03. season: rainy season..hehe 04. emotion: calm 05. thing to do on a half day: sleep until d o...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(5)

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF YOUR NAME? my dad says it means rich.. no idea la ecceli.. WHAT DO YOU LiKE DOiNG WHEN YOU`RE DEPRESSED? sit down there doin nothing but let my mind drift away..syO0k gil...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(3)

=FiRsT= First best friend: nadyatul azma(miss you girl..) First self purchased album: UKs tajam menikam (cant believe I ever bought that) First pets: a couple of ikan puyu..senang sket nak jaga ...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it(2)

Name the following brands of the things you have/Use: 1. Shampoo  pantene lively clean 2. Bags - WC and tropicana life 3. TShirt - diesel,CGO, pasar malam punye pon ade gak.. 4. S...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my insane wit it

I AM: a student takin degree in biology at local uni.. I WANT: to be able to cope with my weird life I HAVE: a couple of good friends I WISH: I can be mrs ryan phillippe even just for a day.. I WI...
Posted by ido on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST