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About Me

i love to write about absolutely nothign at all because i do it on my xanga all the time ( not that i really want you to read this but i figure since its been aboit a year ( i absolutely cant belive tis been a year since that whole rat=fridays fiasco and i miss my friend that that happenbed to me with soo much, its funny in a way. almost nbut not quite since i doubt she really misses me, but that was some good fgucking times) anyway i figure id do some new free association because not because really i need to but because its been a year and a lot has happened and theres a ton of things that you need to read that you dont really need to know. like for starters i am no longer in the us of a i am in canada now. which is a lot like the us of a but it s not wuite. for one they speak french up here. not like pretend to speak french but in montreal tghey actually speak it, a lot, so its an adgjustment. you can see ive taken french clases all my life, well not really but you know, as you can read last years blog entry on here. but the french is different and still tough as ever to decipher. and lots of other things i like about this city in absolutely no particular order: the opld port of montreal is so nice, yesterday we ate at this cafe and then waked near the waerter and it was so nice b) my shower here is pretty cool doesnt treally tun run out of hot water which sometimes can be a problkem c) um the university? i dont know. see one of the best things about freew assocaiation is that you never stop typing never stop. not to capitizlize not to corrct a mistake you just dont stop so its constant pressure to think of something to say wquickly enough. oh my god let me tell you about this. this landklord of mine, actaully my lasnd lord he is such wa weierd person. i dont think anyone living here even likes him but we all call him quasi modo because he really does look like thim. hand hwhernever hes around we almways finf sly ways to bring up norter damn but its not just me its a bucn of people. a bunch of peiople owho love to talk, esp about themselves. and they're gfotreighners in addition, to boot, whatever. ic ant type today. usuallly i'm better but i'm just doing this so fast, now i slowerd down so i';m not making any mistakes. by any i meant as many. did yiou know that the landolord doesnt hever n live in mtl he lives in ottaewa. i just thought a=of a really funny story where this polish famikly i knew talked about ottawa and how they had fgamily and friends up there but they said it ottava because they dont say w in their lang. and way where was i going with this? i dont remember because of that dumb sasusage. what the fuck? i have no idea where sausage came from although i'm convicned someone will make a coment about how it has to do with something sexually repressed because thats all anyone who actually is sexually repressed talkes abiout. now i;m not sure waht to say because i think if i stop there will just be an awkaward silaence. so many things i'm mad about in no particular order 1) losing my liscense. nogt LOSING but getting it lost. like not being abkle to find it. jhust losing it, not having it taken from me, need to order a new one. ITS STILL VALID GOD DMANING BUT NOW I DONGT HAVE PRO{PER ID 2) i dont remewmber what 2 was. so sufice it to say i'm only mad about one.. oh i remember its that this concert i wanted to go to in nyc is 21 + and i'm only 20 but thats it. two whole things. oh and i made some cool new internet friends lately. lets talk about that, ebcause i dont like anything i've discussed so far and i refuse to talk about how me and roommate are not getting along at the present because i djust dont know who reads thins. and i've got to stop gritting my teeth. oh my god it as bad, now i just chomp and i hope thats not as bad wbut ever since i got here i've been doing it while i never had done it before in my entire life. anywoay some of my new if (whihch is short for internet friends but only in my head) adre from some cool places. so i finished nightwood tonight and i was all proud because it omnly took come which is a name btw like a week to read it and here i am and this is my thrid week on it. abut he didnt understand the end because he's frnech and his rnglish isnt as good as his frnehc. he's int from canada france but real france. anyway i think i did unsdderstand it and then i moved on to another reading assing ment which i had for a nother class which i didnt like OH MY GFO SD IM OFGJKDSNVFJKD I HAVE GOAT TOAT ATELL SOMEONE this story about theatre class. so i kind of memtioned how i was all shallow in my blog which is on xanga pon an addy i already gave anyway so i joined the group, ps i actually singed up for the group when i was sick so i had to bounce b344 before the first group meeting so they thought i had abandoned them but really i didnt so i got into a fight with this butch-esque girl i actually had to stop writng there for a second. punctioation would have been nice. and she was all like 'well WE dont mind that youre in our group but the PROF said no more than five and swe took five into our geroupp because YOU werent here lsat week.' so of couse i was all offended because thats lall i ever am and so i snapped back and we went back and forth until we went to the prof and said that we wanted to be a group of six and he said it was fine. so no worries. ecept that i actually hacve to READ the damn thing. and all thw while i was like 'oh hun )because i always use a SARCSASTIC "TEMRM OF ENTDERARMENT" with other people because i think i ts funny, ionly rude people., anwyay so i was all like oh hun i dont casre about this group and shit and then she was all like oh and i was all like i;ll move to another group. i dont HAVE a preference because i'm only doing this because i know i can write a good paper on the topic,. because the topic we choise has to be the focus of both our presnetations en groups i love the en so frnech, and the topic of our big paper. and this isnt the class i have with come so i was all pissed. but anyway so half the ppl in that group are really nice and half are either straight up cold or straight up cold fucking bitch whores who need to get fucking lair bacuse they piss ne the fuck off with gtheir supposed superiority. so i lied and said i had already read most of it sdespite the fact that i havent even cracked the booka nd neither has she, luckily she was forthcomming about it because had she querried me on the end or whatever i would have been fucked. and then i would have looked more pretentoius than she and that would have driven me batty. this is what i get for joining or taking trather a thrartter class where EVERYONE is pretentious. i suppose its a prerequiste for the fucking class. i cant stand it cause its three hours only one day a week. drives me nuts. i want to update on the sstatus of said course and siad group project as the time goes by, so travel? i want to go to tonronto and boston and la and nyc. and ottava i know its ottawa i was just being cheeky. and i know i can go to the first two and probably will one in oct and one in eatrly novermeber. which is actually an inside joke between me myself and i, myself being the msot delightful of the trio, about bostonb none of you can be bothered to get. its actually sad. but the airefaire for la is almost five hundered dollars and i stull dont have an ipod which everyone else seems to have nor do i have a digi camera. so whatiever whichever i want to go to la only for two days for this concert but its like it would be imposoing on my family there because im totally not going to pay for a hotel and this is puirely hypothetical because i need to know if one of my IF's can come with me because i will be such a loutardf if i go sans someone esle. going a lone to a show is one thing, but not this show. nope stuffed fucking monekys. god i got to show it to her and im tired of typuing all the wrong letters all the time and i'm not really sorry if you read this because you should have given up after paragraph two. i'm off to try and re read this but DO NOT expect an edit because editing unless abosloktely nessesrcy is stupid i hIPPE HOPE YOU can understand some words but they're hard. some of them. when i really fjcukced up i just put the wrok WORD like that next to it so just distrgard the former. peices recievs repesces i didnt like the cookie i got out of the vending machine today and i wished i got the chips but ,lunch was really good if not expensive although i still dont udnerstand why english people put milk in tea. it just doesnt work. and it fdoesnt help all that much. the end.
about me? well i'm a full time college student in new mexico montreal. grew up in new york city and i miss it to death. life outside NYC is boring as hell. sunday is my favorite day of the week because i never do anything. food is too spicy in new mexico, i don't care for it. this is just free association. sometimes i do it to clear my mind. it isn't the spicyness as i am quite fond of thai food which is also rather spicy. thats a fucking lie, i have never once had thai food. i did eat at a vietnemese restauraunt last week though. i couldn't believe that i found one in new mexico?! did you know our liscense plates out here say New Mexico, USA because some people don't know it's a state. it's true. even though the state boarders mexico i'm no where near it. the only reason why people go to mexico is because the drinking age is 18 and they can get sloshed and then walk two blocks back to the security and comfortable living of america. you can also get cheap pharmacutical drugs there. i'm sure i didn't spell that word right. if you know how to spell it, please keep it too yourself. i hate people that say " i'm not trying to be picky but you spelled this wrong...". i hate the people that say "it's actually spelt" even more. they're dumbasses. anyway where was i going with this? oh right the vietnamese restauraunt. that place gave me the shits. i swear to god. i'm never eating there again. although it probably is my own damn fault for ordering seafood. we're only 1000 miles from the nearest ocean, i'm sure it was only caught three weeks before i ate it. i gave them a four dollar tip, which is pretty nice for me. the service was great because me and my friend were the only ones in the whole place. OH you'll want to hear this. two weeks ago i saw a rat at TGI Fridays, and the fucking management didnt even comp my meal. so we left an 11 cent tip (to evenly round off the bill as it was 20.89 or something) and a big note letting them know why they only got an 11 cent tip. it was pretty funny as there were two servers (one was in training) so they only got 5 1/2 cents. god that was awesome. ok i think i'm done. i'm really really sorry if you read this. :)

My Interests

the internet, the internet, the sims, tv, terrible parties, and yeah, the internet

I'd like to meet:

Posh spice. Perhaps the only person on planet earth who actively works to make herself thinner than i am. this pic is better


black velvet elvis, hole, no doubt, juliana hatfield, veruca salt, garbage, liz phair, dhc, chumbawamba, treble charger, blondie, von bondies, auf der maur, L7, BiT, blues traveler, jefferson airplane, goldfrapp, bjork, fefe, kylie, alanis, gwen, madonna, somegirls, metric, new pornographers, white stripes, nirvana, pearl jam, stp, giant drag, romeo void, spice girls, victoria beckham, gravy train!!, jet, local h, moxy fruvous, hepcat, yoko ono, klymaxx, metric, nina g, offspring, i'm tired of thinking now.


sky writing with the sweep of a flashlight.


i do love television. my favorite shows are: roseanne, survivor, nip tuck, arrested development, sopranos, daria, and a few guilty pleasuresi didn't like what i had here previously. it was fine, but it wasn't even about me and this is my page and so it should be all about me.


LOLITA, lost world, frankenstein, nightwood, good earth, eugine onegin, adventures of huck finn, liaisons dangereuses


if we stand still. blinded by the lights. is it murder, or suicide?

My Blog

i almost got thrown out of the gap

i almost got thrown out of the gap today by telling off the bitch who was the reason i quit in the first place. she said i had no right to get an attitude with her, i said i could do whatever i want a...
Posted by stephen on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:37:00 PST

dépêchez-vous revisited.

so i never check my myspace blog or anything. not since the last time i posted in late april i think. but reading someone else's inspired me to go back and read my own. i found out that dépê...
Posted by stephen on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:30:00 PST

have seen a cripple dance

so i'm going to Vegas in four dayssssssssssssssssssssssss followed by LA a week later. i'm so looking foward to getting out of here, forver...................................................... ..........
Posted by stephen on Mon, 01 May 2006 07:23:00 PST

so i went up the mountain, but all i saw was another mountain! so i came down from the mountain

i am not a liz phair tard. i wanted you to hear wind and the mountain but they didnt have it on her gay myspace page. liz phair sucks 73f the time (actual statistic) but the rest of the 27re pure geni...
Posted by stephen on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 03:49:00 PST

i dont know what i want

that sounds tres emo, but it's true. i can't make up my mind about anything anymore. i must be picking this up from someone, i wonder who it could b... oh wait.
Posted by stephen on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 07:11:00 PST

i still wish i were russian

everyone knows because i tell everyone that if i could have been from any other country i'd pick russia. obviously i don't want to be poor or anything but i want to live in a cold city with cold, frig...
Posted by stephen on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 04:06:00 PST

une heure

it took me like an hour of real, actual life time to make this new layout. i couldn't figure any of it out. so you better enjoy it. i don't even like it anymore. yes i do. no i don't. wait.
Posted by stephen on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 06:38:00 PST

i got an ipod

well i did. a while ago too. its already full. they said 500 songs but i can only fit 400. i bet it has to do with compression or something i don't understand.
Posted by stephen on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 05:36:00 PST

métro perils (or better yet: dépêchez-vous, stupid fucks!)

standing there at guy (skipping class i will have you know) tired as fuck, not having slept in an age and a half. is five hours all i get now? my metro comes and three hundred thousand people and two ...
Posted by stephen on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 04:03:00 PST


I LOVE HOWA its been seven motnsh since i updated things thing. i'm half sick and i have a final tomorrow and i probably should be using my xanga because thatys the one i update but i don't even give ...
Posted by stephen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST