New and Old Friends a
Jeff your the man!!!!!!!!
A bunch of Goofs
Sunday and Monday Night Football, Wife Swap, Regis and Kelly, The View, Oprah, I don't know I don't really watch T.V. a
My parents--making me who I am today. All the structure and support in my life has shown me the rights and wrong of things. They have always given me guidence and great advise. Hopefully, I can be as great as them...loving, caring, kind, great parents, grandparents, and have a marrage like them. They are so strong and kind to eachother and others. Thanks mom and dad for being great examples!
My Fiance--All the LOVE! I couldn't have it any better.
My Brothers--One thing I always had was protection! I am so greatful to have them.
My Grandma--She was alway happy and made sure to alway be positive. She was so loving! I miss you Grandma!!
My Aunt Linda--Always encourageing me to finish my goals. Oh, and always willing to have a cocktail.
All my friends--With out you guys I would be so sad. You all make me laugh, cry, smile, party, and alway enjoy life. Love you guys!