LEUKKEMIAA profile picture


About Me

The band LEUKKEMIAA was formed in November 1988.We were irritated by the constant forming of a huge number of young new quasi-bands who tought they were cool as musicians and tought they are doing something special,but in fact they did nothing except for making idiots of themselves.So on one cold november morning,the four of us met and decided,in the spirit of the trend,to form a band,which will also do nothing,but with the difference that we will not deny it!!In fact,we constantly tried to prove it to the people.And we also agreed that,in case we might actually do anything,then it must be done/played the worse way we can. That`s how the band was formed.The name was a parody of a band from Pula,called PNEUMONIA (one of our biggest influence in playing really really bad),and the double letters in the name comes from Finnish language (of course,the name is absolutely mispelled,we just put a double letter here and there,like in the Finnish language,as we were really fans of Finnish Hardcore,especially the gods SEKUNDA,which inspired us the most.).And of course,all the grammatical mistakes in the lyrics,titles or whatever are intentional,as we want so badly to be the worst band ever. In the beginning,we were doing exacly what we agreed,and that was to do nothing. As time was passing,we noticed that we were too good in doing nothing,and that we became pretty bored,so we decided to do someting,so on the 29th of November 1990.(which was accidentally the last "Day Of Republic Of Yugoslavia",as few months later the war started to rage) we did a lot of things at once;we had our first rehearsal,which was also our first gig,because there was 9 more people there (and we know that there were some artists in Pula which sold only 4 tickets for their shows,even having few albums on their back!!) and that makes our first rehearsal/gig more successful.Also,we recorded our first home video and our first demo,of course without any pre-rehearsing.We played(?) some of our songs and some covers,among them the great track by our spiritual influence TAJCI "Hajde da ludujemo"(Let`s go crazy). The line-up of the band is the same from day one,and will never change,mostly because it is extremely hard to find such idiots as we are,who will play so beautifully bad.The members are;AZZO-drums,NEZZO-vocal and backup cymbal(?), PIZZO-vocal,and BOZZO B-bass and big chief.We always have a session guitarist, and that were MIZZO-the greatest guitarist at his home,and VEZZO-the greatest guitarist in Mizzo`s home,when Mizzo is not at home.Also,we have a periodical very special guest,TEZZA,which plays anything that makes noise(vacuum cleaners, coffee mixers) and sometimes she plays also clarinet,oboa,trumpet,guitar,2nd bass and nothing else. Right after that first session,the band took a long vacation because of few reasons; 1)Half of the band went to serve the army(which was obligatory) 2)We broke a rented cymbal,so we wanted to avoid to meet the owner 3)We did too much anyway. Then the war started,and everything that goes with it.Part of the band (Bozzo, Azzo i Pizzo) inspired by war,during the police hour of an evening of 25th December 1991.,in the basement of a solitaire with the name of AMONIAC(which was one of the official fractions of LEUKKEMIAA-the name AMONIAC was inspired by the incredibly bad serbian speed-metal band DEMONIAC-well,of course,not as bad as we were) we recorded a demo called "Non-stop the war in Croatia(Special war issue 1991)",whose title was inspired by the patriotic song "Stop the war in Croatia" by T.Ivcic(R.I.P.).AMONIAC was one of the official fractions of Leukkemiaa,the others were;NUCLEAR ASS(inspired by Nuclear Assault),13 Years Of Nausea(which changes the name every year,now (2005) is called 28 Years Of Nausea) and INFERNAL VOMITING PUSS(uninspired,just a nice sweet name). Our wish was never to appear on a compilation cassette of underground HC bands, but unfortunately that already happened. Also,we wrote over 400 songs (just the titles,of course,the music is the easiest part..) and never had a rehearsal,at least not in playing.Until the 1st of May 1993-when we still had no rehearsals-and with that shows the consistency of what we claimed from the beginnings-we had the opportunity to play on a one-day Metal festival in Pula,Powerfest 1993.On that festival there were 10 bands from Croatia,Slovenia,Italy and as headliners Disharmonic Orchestra from Austria. Leukkemiaa was the eleventh band,but not announced and not even planned.The speaker announced us (in the middle of the evening between the 5th and 6th band) as a musical intermezzo among all those dead-serious Metal bands.When the band came out on stage,with plastic bags on our heads and started a 15-minute-long show,the audience was first just watching completely confused,and then they all went delirious.As much as we were trying to be as bad as possible,the show was better and better. The rest is history.After that,we had 6 shows;we played on both the "Destroy the melody" festivals in 1994,we played in the "850i" caffe bar(with Grind-brothers "Desinence Mortification"),which closed forever the next day,then we played our last gig on Christmas 1994,which was the top of our carreer.We decided to take a short break which is lasting 11 years,but next years we will do a 16th anniversary show(we wanted it to be a comeback show,but we actually never went away,so we do not have where to come back from) so we are now preparing that gig the way we always did;doing absolutely nothing. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 24/11/2005
Band Website: http://www.myspace.com/leukkemiaa
Band Members: Bozzo Budales-bass guitar and big boss //// Nezzo Vocales-lead backvocal //// Pizzo-lead vocal,trumpet and travesty //// Zlazzo-the new vocalist,we don`t know how he sings,but he`s admitted //// Azzo-drums and no vocals //// Mizzo-the legendary "$€ll-out" lead guitarist //// ADDITIONAL MUSICIANS ; Vezzo-guitar when there`s no Mizzo,backvocal when is there,and is there when there`s no Mizzo //// Tezza-vacuum cleaner,coffee mixer,hair dryer,2nd bass,clarinet,anything that makes noize
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Influences: Sekunda,Fear Of God,Kansan Uutiset,Kuolema,Mob 47,DRI,Sore Throat,Napalm Death,Sekunda,Scorpions,Neil Young,Neil Old,Neil Mid-aged,Terrorizer,Wehrmacht, Spazztic Blurr,Sekunda,Nuclear Assault,Pneumonia,Franci Blaskovic Gori Ussi Winnetou,Carcass,Extreme Noise Terror,Carnivore,Sekunda,Tervet Kadeet,Ramones,Patareni,Nasum,Agathocles,Cripple Bastards,Heresy,Tatjana Matejas-Tajci (spiritual influence),Mentalni Nered,Unseen Terror,Naked City,Disorder,Chaos UK ..
Sounds Like: We`d like to be cool as other bands and say that we sound like shit,but we tried to lisen to our shits few times,and believe us,there was not a sound from them!!!So we do not know what means to sound like shit.

Record Label: OneLikeNoOne Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 06:21:00 GMT

Tribute To Patareni 2

AMONIAC,the most known fraction of Leukkemiaa will be featured on the compilation "Tribute to Patareni 2" soon to be released by PMK Records!!!
Posted by on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 01:51:00 GMT


are getting married in this very moment!!Just to let you know,right?
Posted by on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:23:00 GMT


Hey,everybody!If you`ve read our biography,then you will notice that actually we haven`t even met for a very long time,and the main reason was that I,Azzo,moved from Pullaa to Varazdin.This weekend I ...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 11:01:00 GMT