1. First off, if you know me then you'll know that in real life I'm a decent guy(I hope) but in cyberspace I'm pretty a sarcastic, obnoxious class clown. Not that I care what you think. Joke! Ha, you see? I got you!
2. If I don't know you and you have over a thousand friends I probably won't add you because, really, do you give a shite who I am? The feeling is ditto. And by the way, I can't get you a record deal. Actually I can but I probably won't.
3. I love dogs. I think I've only met 2 in my life that didn't like me. And no, it's not because I AM a dog. Besides, that was a long time ago. Its out of my system. I swear.
4. I love the Univ. of Florida Gators. If at some point I've been an incredibly obnoxious Gator fan to you (i.e. after the 2006 BBall Nat'l Championship) then I'm sorry. Y'know what, not really. Kiss my ass.
5. My film company- www.waltertainment.com . Get it?
6. I'm writing/directing 2 feature films- one in post, one in production. No, they are not porn. 2008 is my year. You'll be glad you knew me before I became an asshole. Too late! Dem's jus jokes, baby.
7. Yes, I actually know all of these models on my friend list and they are real friends so don't try to add me if you're selling porn. Yeah, that's great. Thanks for ignoring what I just said.
8. PLEASE, everyone just stop saying "I'm bringing sexy back." Its already old and not original to begin with.
9. I think I'm supposed to put something philosophical here like "I'm searching for truth" or "you never know what a broken heart is until its yours" or "you need to get to know the REAL me before you judge me blah blah blah" but I kind of reserve emotional intimacy for my films, personal conversations and people special to me. But I love reading how other people take themselves so incredibly seriously
on their myspace pages. "I found truth today blah blah blah." Lighten up, people!
10. I know my Myspace page sucks but I actually have a life.
11. I found truth today. Right by that missing white sock.
12. I don't really care how much money you have, how good looking you are or how tough you think you are. I'm over that. I'll judge you on how you treat me and treat others. In some way shape or form we all feel that way. Yes, I'm talking to you, you arrogant ass. Kill yourself. Ha!
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that this new world is born." -Anais Niin
Damn. That's deep, huh?
14. You can fuck off now. Just kidding! Remember?
* Profile is up for my upcoming comedy feature film "Thrust" at www.myspace.com/thrustthemovie.com. Website is also under construction at www.thrustthemovie.com. I am the writer/director/producer. Please check it out and add as a friend.* I really believe in helping those that can't help themselves. For Charity opportunities please read the blog.