Keith profile picture


Seeking WORST DATE IN THE WORLD for a horrid night

About Me

I'd like to thank that eccentric "actress" for talking my ear off last week about how our astrological signs were so compatible. Lady, if we were so compatible, you wouldn't have been talking to me about astrology in the first place, ha-ha. But for all that, thank you.I'd like to thank the comely female attorney (I'm also a lawyer) who I invited to join me in my box at the Hollywood Bowl two weeks ago. She flaked at the last minute. Thank you for canceling with no notice so that I didn't have enough time to get a new date. I ended up going with a co-worker. That rocked.Thank you to the English teacher I met on the internet who went on and on about how she used to be a model. Never mind that I was already impressed that she was an English teacher. Sadly, her modeling photos looked like "before pictures" in a plastic surgery ad. Ma'am, I'm sure you're a great English teacher. All that e-mailing back and forth are now just electrons under the cyber-bridge.I travel a lot for work and for pleasure. I have expressive green eyes. My hobbies include surfing, doing stand-up improvised comedy, donating to charitable causes and playing drums. This past year I've had the chance to travel a lot. Whether it's a week in Italy, a few nights in Manhattan or an all-nighter in Ibiza... time off a busy work schedule is always worthwhile!I prefer to keep my circle of friends small but I have the coolest friends! After work, I could be hanging out at the beach, kicking it by the waves. Later, head out for some sushi. Good food, laughs and great conversation.

My Interests

For fun, many weekends I like to hang out at my home by the beach in Malibu, where I often surf or SCUBA dive. Later at night we might enjoy a wonderful, quiet dinner. I love museums, the theater and live music.

I'd like to meet:

Will I like you? Probably not, UNLESS: You know how to at least pronounce Versace. You don't first impress my parents by showing off your newest G-String. At Christmas, if I say "screw the door man," you don't take it literally. In other words, you are as smart as you are pretty and have a good sense of humor! Don't get too comfortable wearing those oversize t-shirts to bed. Victoria's Secret & Agent Provocateur are my best friends. My latest obsession, Coco de Mer! Be cool, be honest, be thin and fit.


I love most kinds of music, especially live music. Locally, I have season tickets to the Bowl and Disney Concert Hall. I like all kinds of music venues from the Catalina Bar & Grill to Temple Bar (even Al's Bar). So far as bands, I like Pushmonkey, Jimmy Eat World, Led Fucking Zeppelin, Dry Kill, X, Subcore, Rolling Stones, Finger 11, Chett Baker, Type-O Negative, The Beatles, Fear, Buddy Rich Big Band, Beastie Boys, White Stripes, Ziggy Marley, Cowboy Mouth, Black Sabath, Frank Sinatra, Switchfoot, Count Basie Orchestra, (old) Circle Jerks, Steely Dan, The Clash, Grover Washington, Jr., The Damned, Johnny Cash, The Police, Crowbar, Miles Davis, The Ramones, uuummm...


I love movies, so long as they are good. I realize that's not the most intelligent way to say it but it doesn't matter what genre or what period, if the story is good and the acting is believable, I'll probably enjoy it. I have too many movie favorites to list them here.


Not to try and posture myself as an intellectual or anything, I don't watch much TV. I know there's some hysterical shows and all, some exciting sporting stuff, but the commercials fry me. I like the Museum of Television and Radio in Beverly Hills. First of all, it's a great place to park. Second, you can "rent" old Get Smart episodes, the Adams Family and funny stuff like that (TV commercials from the old days are hysterical).


I have a habit of reading one classic, then a self-improvement book, then a book on business, and usually repeat the cycle. This cycle I stretched a little. The so-called self-improvement book was called DHARMA PUNK by Noah Levine. A friend gave it to me. It's kinda like TRAINSPOTTING meets ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENCE, and I liked it. Favorite authors: James Clavel (fictional accounts of early trading days in the Orient) and Charles Dickens (yes, the Charles Dickens).


Here's another one of those questions where if I think hard enough, I'll come up with something impressive. Well, I play the drums pretty seriously so John Bonham of Led Zeppelin is my Drum-god of mine. On the other hand, you gotta hand it to the Dali Lama. This guy is teaching the most serious brain scientists in the world about the value of meditation. You can actually change your thought patterns. He's even convincing the skeptics (not about the reincarnation stuff though).