~~POISON IVY~~ profile picture


..LoVinG and MIssinG My HuBBy..

About Me

I'm an open book, an open heart, an unfinished story, and everyday represents yet another piece of an endless puzzle that is me. My head is strong, determined, willed and stubborn. My heart is pure, kind, wounded but healing. My voice, a gift still unopened to the world. My feet used to be the paintbrush on a dance floor and i soon hope to return to it soon. My life, dedicated to family, friends and love. I live for family, give to friends and love wholeheartedly. I wish for family, contentness and happiness, i wish for friends a life of laughter and i wish to love and be loved. Patience has been key to my existence, and my faith in the things I believe in remain unwavering. My actions define me, I say what I mean and mean what I say. I'll give twice as much before I take half. Those that have truly sat down and to listened to my story, flipped thru the pages of life are the only ones who will really know how much of my life I live through my heart. Passion is the derivative to every accomplishment in life. Without passion there can be no love, no success, no story. Live a life of passion, and you will have lived a great story to tell. I am surprised at what amazes me day after day. I'm amazed that children can still be innocent in a time where they are exposed to everything at such a young age. It amazes me that people would still rather humiliate than help another person. It amazes me that loyalty and trust have become just words without meaning because so many have abused them. It amazes me that people have so much pride, they'd rather make the biggest mistake of their life, rather than admitting they were wrong. It amazes me how a person can still love one that abuses and mistreats them. It amazes me that love somehow became one big game of leverage. But it also amazes me that love is still one of the strongest forces of inspiration, kindess and motivation. And what amazes me the most is how resilient human kind can be despite all the tragedies and terror that exists in our world. Be the miracle, don't wait for one. Love the next one like your first if not more. Listen to what others tell you, don't hear them, listen. Our greatest asset are those who believe in us and support us, don't ever burn your bridges and mistaken your friends, family and lovers for those who just say all the things that sound good. Sometimes the people that tell you all the things you don't want to hear, are the ones really watching your back. My life has been and still is a blessing. Its not perfect and although we all wish we got everything we wanted, how satisifying would it really be if we didn't have to work for it. So be willing to work, work for love, work for life. And fight, not fist fight, but fight for what you believe in. One man who stands against the grain, stands the most to gain. As for love, I haven't really figured it out, nor has anyone I think. All i can say is love fully and love honestly and love like you've never been hurt. I've lived by those words. And I hope to die by them too. When you find someone so true to you, hold onto them because nowadays someone like that is rare. And when someone actually tells you, that whoever you have is rare, its a sign, don't ignore it. Love can be the greatest thing in your life, but the key to having great love, is you have to give it the chance to be that. If you block it, disguise it, plague it with pride, or ignore it, you will never know what it feels like to truly love someone and be loved in return. The saddest thing i've seen is someone uncapable of loving another simply because of their pride and predjidice towards love itself. In a nut shell, I continue to share my heart with the world, saving a really special part of it for someone who will share as much passion for love as I do. I strive to be the best in everything that I have passion for, love, dance, singing, education, entrepreneurship and life.

My Interests

I lOVE to DanCe..And DRink...aNd SinG...HanG ouT oR GO ouT...I LoVE havinG LonG CoversaTions abouT anyTHing anD eVErythinG oveR CoffeE with My HomIes..Cause We'RE KewL LikE thaT. I LIke to pLay SpoRts too..liKe um BaDminTon..FooTbaLL and BaskETbaLL (BuT oNLee aT D&B) heheh I enjOy VideO gaMEs suMtimes..Like MaRio kArt On My GaMeCUbe..Dats PrETTY fun...I LOve to HeLP PeOPLe who aRe Down..CooK foR thoSE whO aRe hunGry anD caRe FOR thoSE who aRe In Need...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has the ability to amaze me, make me laugh, think, wonder, ponder, have fun, enjoy myself, who makes a difference and will be as much to me as i am to them. =)View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


I love all kinds of music.


RomAntiC COmeDieS aRe the BEstest!!!! WedDinG pLannER!! HoW to Lose a GuY in TeN dayS!! MiSS ConGeniAlity 1 and 2..juST aLL THose GuSHy MoVies ThaT mAke you SiGh in THe FInaL kiSSinG sCene..I'm a HopELEss ROmaNtic..whaT caN I saY??


ChaRmED!! oNE tREe HiLL!! SmaLLvILLE!! LaS VeGAS!!! FRieNDS!! SaVed By thE bELL!! GilMOre GirLs..SOmeTImeEs...HehE the AppRentiCe is kewL too. OH yeaH i WaTCh a LoT oF FooD nETwork Too..THose IRon ChEFS aRe CraZAY!! And I'Ve beeN WaTchinG a LoT moRE SPoRts AnD eSPN LateLY..hMMM i WOnder Why??? hehehe *wink*


BiG HaRRY PoTTer Fan! YeaH I'm A dOrk..so sUE me!! heheh hmm..WaTcherS..by DeaN Koontz, THaT's a pretty GooD booK...im' CuRRently ReaDing the DaVinci CoDe but yEaH haVEn't bEen DoinG muCH reaDing..hehe


My MomMEE anD my DaDDEE!!! TheY'Re the BEstest!!

My Blog

iTs sooo mEe..and no i'm noT bein conceited

12. MRS. RIGHTAdvantagesa. She is not sexy, fine, or a dyme she is Beautiful and therefore encompasses all of these descriptions.b. She is intelligent, sassy, funny, outgoing, determined, strong and c...
Posted by ~~POISON IVY~~ on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 12:18:00 PST

itz TiME...

Two REaLLy WoNDerFUL THiNGs hAPPenEd ToDaY..iVe bEen GiVEn A GLiMpSe inTO WhaT is and WhaT CouLD Be.. anD nOW I knOw whAT iT is I hAve TO do..iTz TimE To MakE iT hAPPen..No MORe bULLshiT..No moRE WhaT...
Posted by ~~POISON IVY~~ on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:55:00 PST

im So soRRy NiNeR Fanz....

bUt The RaidErs KiCKeD yoUR BuTT TodaY! =) YeaH its PreSeaSon..buT a wiN is StiLL a WiN And U knoW It! HaHa bOoYAH!
Posted by ~~POISON IVY~~ on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:01:00 PST

in a week...

In a week i've managed to break down, build up, shoot my first movie, work on my new song to be produced, gotten a sponsor for american idol, regretted something i did, been disappointed, surprised, c...
Posted by ~~POISON IVY~~ on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:46:00 PST

Why love is blind

Why is that everytime i feel like I'm happy again..something always happens to bring me down. Where do you find an endless supply of strength to keep your head above water? I deserve to be happy, I kn...
Posted by ~~POISON IVY~~ on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 06:19:00 PST